World of Warcraft online unlimited beta tester accounts starting at $20! And never Pay Again.
(too old to reply)
2005-04-14 03:58:49 UTC
Tired of paying over ten dollars $10 every month to blizzard just to play
their game now you don't have to.

I have access to an account creation tool Created by a disgruntled Blizzard

For only $20 twenty dollars I can set you up with a six-month account and
for $50 fifty dollars a lifetime subscription (Blizzard only sold these to
beta testers!) to World of Warcraft online.

I am only selling a limited number of Unlimited accounts and I expect them
to go fast so grab yours today!

I accept paypal

My site can be found at <http://thischeck.com/warcraft.htm>

Because of the questionable nature of these subscriptions I have them listed
at Silver and Gold “Guides”

The silver Guide = 6 six month subscription to World of Warcraft online

The Gold Guide = unlimited lifetime beta tester account to World of Warcraft
Be sure to include a user name and password!

Leave 24-72 hours for email delivery

Posted Via Usenet.com Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services
Tim Merrigan
2005-04-14 06:13:21 UTC
Post by Sales
Tired of paying over ten dollars $10 every month to blizzard just to play
their game now you don't have to.
I have access to an account creation tool Created by a disgruntled Blizzard
For only $20 twenty dollars I can set you up with a six-month account and
for $50 fifty dollars a lifetime subscription (Blizzard only sold these to
beta testers!) to World of Warcraft online.
I am only selling a limited number of Unlimited accounts and I expect them
to go fast so grab yours today!
I accept paypal
My site can be found at <http://thischeck.com/warcraft.htm>
Because of the questionable nature of these subscriptions I have them listed
at Silver and Gold “Guides”
The silver Guide = 6 six month subscription to World of Warcraft online
The Gold Guide = unlimited lifetime beta tester account to World of Warcraft
Be sure to include a user name and password!
Leave 24-72 hours for email delivery
Posted Via Usenet.com Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services
Sure, just send me the 20 bucks and the URL and I'll beta test your game.
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Tim Merrigan