justins wecam 13yr.old
(too old to reply)
2006-02-23 01:12:45 UTC
i'd like to know if some one has pixs.of Justin Berry the 13yr. old
that had a webcam site called Justins friends .com or mexico
friends.com this two sites are down now but i have seen hem on a
website but can not remember whit sthe site was called. but im just
looking for pixs. or websites of him now he is now 19yrs.old. but i
know there are pixs out there. i hope some one can help me out.
You aint a man, you're a baby raping child molesting bastard.
You're vermin and you should be exterminated.
2006-02-23 03:54:14 UTC
Post by bobandcarole
i'd like to know if some one has pixs.of Justin Berry the 13yr. old
that had a webcam site called Justins friends .com or mexico
friends.com this two sites are down now but i have seen hem on a
website but can not remember whit sthe site was called. but im just
looking for pixs. or websites of him now he is now 19yrs.old. but i
know there are pixs out there. i hope some one can help me out.
You aint a man, you're a baby raping child molesting bastard.
You're vermin and you should be exterminated.
You can find Justin on any news blog or site - he's turned Federal
witness against pedophiles and is turning over *all* of his sites'
records (logs) and credit card information.

Go Justin!! ( :

"So for you this is just a good time, but for me this is what I call "life"
City Life "What Would You Do?"
2006-02-23 03:58:59 UTC
Post by MacGirl
Post by bobandcarole
i'd like to know if some one has pixs.of Justin Berry the 13yr. old
that had a webcam site called Justins friends .com or mexico
friends.com this two sites are down now but i have seen hem on a
website but can not remember whit sthe site was called. but im just
looking for pixs. or websites of him now he is now 19yrs.old. but i
know there are pixs out there. i hope some one can help me out.
You aint a man, you're a baby raping child molesting bastard.
You're vermin and you should be exterminated.
You can find Justin on any news blog or site - he's turned Federal
witness against pedophiles and is turning over *all* of his sites'
records (logs) and credit card information.
Score one for the good guys...
Fred Hall
2006-02-23 04:40:46 UTC
On 22 Feb 2006 19:58:59 -0800, "bobandcarole"
Post by bobandcarole
Post by MacGirl
Post by bobandcarole
i'd like to know if some one has pixs.of Justin Berry the 13yr. old
that had a webcam site called Justins friends .com or mexico
friends.com this two sites are down now but i have seen hem on a
website but can not remember whit sthe site was called. but im just
looking for pixs. or websites of him now he is now 19yrs.old. but i
know there are pixs out there. i hope some one can help me out.
You aint a man, you're a baby raping child molesting bastard.
You're vermin and you should be exterminated.
You can find Justin on any news blog or site - he's turned Federal
witness against pedophiles and is turning over *all* of his sites'
records (logs) and credit card information.
Score one for the good guys...
The kiddie fuckers are saying that Justin begged to be used as a boy
toy, that he knew what he was doing, etc, etc.

Same logic rapists use.

When those freaks go to the pen, I hope and pray that their Bubba
cellmate is 6'5", with a 20 in dick, and an anal obsession.
2006-02-23 14:59:10 UTC
Post by Fred Hall
The kiddie fuckers are saying that Justin begged to be used as a boy
toy, that he knew what he was doing, etc, etc.
Same logic rapists use.
When those freaks go to the pen, I hope and pray that their Bubba
cellmate is 6'5", with a 20 in dick, and an anal obsession.
Only anal? Dearest Fred, you are missing an entire realm of sexual

But then, they might enjoy it . . . ??

"So for you this is just a good time, but for me this is what I call "life"
City Life "What Would You Do?"
Fred Hall
2006-02-23 20:18:13 UTC
Post by MacGirl
Post by Fred Hall
The kiddie fuckers are saying that Justin begged to be used as a boy
toy, that he knew what he was doing, etc, etc.
Same logic rapists use.
When those freaks go to the pen, I hope and pray that their Bubba
cellmate is 6'5", with a 20 in dick, and an anal obsession.
Only anal? Dearest Fred, you are missing an entire realm of sexual
But then, they might enjoy it . . . ??
I doubt they'd enjoy being sexually abused by Bubba and his friends.


"What, that I've always been kooky and off-the-wall? Everybody knows
that. Okay, maybe you're referring to the big fat lie I told? Well it's
true, I did lie about being a lesbian named Kristine. I also lied about
having a 23" penis." Trollzilla in Message-ID: <19554-389CD0F4-***@storefull-238.iap.bryant.webtv.net>
2006-02-23 21:27:27 UTC
for your info im the same age as Justin so to call me a kiddie fucker
get your head out of your ass dick wide. now im just trying to get some
info that the blog. and news groups not get some are very wrong so i go
to goups like this to get my info right some times.
2006-02-23 21:37:35 UTC
Post by danman73
for your info im the same age as Justin so to call me a kiddie fucker
get your head out of your ass dick wide. now im just trying to get some
info that the blog. and news groups not get some are very wrong so i go
to goups like this to get my info right some times.
Sorry, Danman, *nowhere* did I call you a "kiddie fucker." I *did*
express support for Justin, though. With all the shit the kid's been
through, he deserves every bit of support he can get.

Not only did those filthy lechers abuse him, but so did his own father
(encouraged and enabled him). If it wouldn't scar the kid any further,
I'd say his dad should be shot.


"So for you this is just a good time, but for me this is what I call "life"
City Life "What Would You Do?"
2006-02-24 01:33:23 UTC
Post by MacGirl
Post by danman73
for your info im the same age as Justin so to call me a kiddie fucker
get your head out of your ass dick wide. now im just trying to get some
info that the blog. and news groups not get some are very wrong so i go
to goups like this to get my info right some times.
Sorry, Danman, *nowhere* did I call you a "kiddie fucker." I *did*
express support for Justin, though. With all the shit the kid's been
through, he deserves every bit of support he can get.
Not only did those filthy lechers abuse him, but so did his own father
(encouraged and enabled him). If it wouldn't scar the kid any further,
I'd say his dad should be shot.
~Takes shotgun out of closet~

"pedophiles have the right to remain silent, nothing more" Bob
2006-02-24 05:59:55 UTC
no it was not you mac girl it was Fred Hall that called me kittie
fucker i do suppor him some what but he is just as guilty as the guys
that paid he.thy are all victims of the same game. it looks like Justin
got what he wanted and the guys the paid him got what thy wanted. he
shut down one website and thin open one more site. you can,t fill to
sorry for him.im thanking of open up my own website to we are the same
age 19. I wish i thought of that first. one more thing i'd like to know
wy the NYT reporter was looking on porn sites and just happen on
justins site that dont look good to me. it looks like his going for the
money for a big pay off. books, movie,ect. . and justin is very smart
he see it the same thing money that what is all about right Justin.
Fred Hall
2006-02-24 06:34:46 UTC
Post by danman73
no it was not you mac girl it was Fred Hall that called me kittie
fucker i do suppor him some what but he is just as guilty as the guys
that paid he.thy are all victims of the same game. it looks like Justin
got what he wanted and the guys the paid him got what thy wanted. he
shut down one website and thin open one more site. you can,t fill to
sorry for him.im thanking of open up my own website to we are the same
age 19. I wish i thought of that first. one more thing i'd like to know
wy the NYT reporter was looking on porn sites and just happen on
justins site that dont look good to me. it looks like his going for the
money for a big pay off. books, movie,ect. . and justin is very smart
he see it the same thing money that what is all about right Justin.
How's the weather in Arkansas, kiddie fucker?


Yes inflatable companions don't have brains, and yes, I believe we are
made for each other. -- Chuck finds the perfect mate
2006-02-24 07:13:44 UTC
Post by Fred Hall
Post by danman73
no it was not you mac girl it was Fred Hall that called me kittie
fucker i do suppor him some what but he is just as guilty as the guys
that paid he.thy are all victims of the same game. it looks like Justin
got what he wanted and the guys the paid him got what thy wanted. he
shut down one website and thin open one more site. you can,t fill to
sorry for him.im thanking of open up my own website to we are the same
age 19. I wish i thought of that first. one more thing i'd like to know
wy the NYT reporter was looking on porn sites and just happen on
justins site that dont look good to me. it looks like his going for the
money for a big pay off. books, movie,ect. . and justin is very smart
he see it the same thing money that what is all about right Justin.
How's the weather in Arkansas, kiddie fucker?
"danman" writes like danmonkey.
He seems to be the brightest pedo I've seen yet................:-)
Fred Hall
2006-02-24 07:32:51 UTC
On 23 Feb 2006 23:13:44 -0800, "bobandcarole"
Post by bobandcarole
Post by Fred Hall
Post by danman73
no it was not you mac girl it was Fred Hall that called me kittie
fucker i do suppor him some what but he is just as guilty as the guys
that paid he.thy are all victims of the same game. it looks like Justin
got what he wanted and the guys the paid him got what thy wanted. he
shut down one website and thin open one more site. you can,t fill to
sorry for him.im thanking of open up my own website to we are the same
age 19. I wish i thought of that first. one more thing i'd like to know
wy the NYT reporter was looking on porn sites and just happen on
justins site that dont look good to me. it looks like his going for the
money for a big pay off. books, movie,ect. . and justin is very smart
he see it the same thing money that what is all about right Justin.
How's the weather in Arkansas, kiddie fucker?
"danman" writes like danmonkey.
He seems to be the brightest pedo I've seen yet................:-)
Give him a month, and the kiddie fuckers will be electing DanMonkey
"King of the Fort"

At long last, the leader they've been waiting for.
Lamey B Jovi
2006-02-24 18:31:30 UTC
Post by Fred Hall
Post by danman73
no it was not you mac girl it was Fred Hall that called me kittie
fucker i do suppor him some what but he is just as guilty as the guys
that paid he.thy are all victims of the same game. it looks like Justin
got what he wanted and the guys the paid him got what thy wanted. he
shut down one website and thin open one more site. you can,t fill to
sorry for him.im thanking of open up my own website to we are the same
age 19. I wish i thought of that first. one more thing i'd like to know
wy the NYT reporter was looking on porn sites and just happen on
justins site that dont look good to me. it looks like his going for the
money for a big pay off. books, movie,ect. . and justin is very smart
he see it the same thing money that what is all about right Justin.
How's the weather in Arkansas, kiddie fucker?
Really? I have many friends in AR. Let's talk.



2006-02-24 20:22:40 UTC
weather is so nice here. you know it not nice to call peaple name lick
that.but you can;t help your self you wish that your more like me.i
cant believe all the love you give.
Fred Hall
2006-02-24 20:34:12 UTC
Post by danman73
weather is so nice here. you know it not nice to call peaple name lick
that.but you can;t help your self you wish that your more like me.i
cant believe all the love you give.
Why would I want to be an illiterate Arky hillbilly pedophile?


You just don't get it, do you Fred? Into the fucking killfile you go,
you stupid piece of shit. -- Chuck lies again
2006-02-24 21:55:53 UTC
ok i push the erong keys. i need to go back to school damn.
im no pedophile you little boy cock sucking child molester.you must be.
you out every one on this group a pedophile its up to you to come out
of the closet now. jack ass. come to the natural state and see what we
do to pedophile. lol
Fred Hall
2006-02-24 22:02:05 UTC
Post by danman73
ok i push the erong keys. i need to go back to school damn.
im no pedophile you little boy cock sucking child molester.you must be.
you out every one on this group a pedophile its up to you to come out
of the closet now. jack ass. come to the natural state and see what we
do to pedophile. lol
No thanks. After watching the movie 'Deliverance' I'm afraid to even
drive through Arkansas.
2006-02-25 04:08:16 UTC
the movie was film in oklahoma not arkansas.
Fred Hall
2006-02-25 04:24:08 UTC
Post by danman73
the movie was film in oklahoma not arkansas.
Western Arkansas, Eastern Oklahoma, what's the difference? Hell,
you're no more than a half hours drive from the Oklahoma border. Y'
all are just like the rednecks in Deliverance.

Do yourself a favor, kid, and get an education. Forget this boy lover
crap, apply yourself, and get the hell out of Arkansas.
2006-02-25 06:30:25 UTC
fred what the hell are you doing here in boy love you must not be very
eduatied like us arkansas rednicks.
Lamey B Jovi
2006-02-25 08:07:38 UTC
Post by danman73
the movie was film in oklahoma not arkansas.
I got friends in Little Rock and Jacksonville. I'll let them decide
what to do next.



2006-02-25 19:05:59 UTC
what the hell does your friends have to with this?

Lamey B Jovi
2006-02-24 18:30:58 UTC
Post by danman73
no it was not you mac girl it was Fred Hall that called me kittie
I have two cats. If you even come close to them I'll rip your nuts



Lamey B Jovi
2006-02-24 18:29:52 UTC
Post by danman73
for your info im the same age as Justin so to call me a kiddie fucker
get your head out of your ass dick wide. now im just trying to get some
info that the blog. and news groups not get some are very wrong so i go
to goups like this to get my info right some times.
Put down the bottle youngen.


