Frank First Zephyrs page - File 1 of 3 - Zephyrs of change.htm (0/1)
(too old to reply)
2005-08-09 23:47:03 UTC
Hope this works this time!
Frank McCoy
2005-08-10 04:39:34 UTC
Post by Daytek
Hope this works this time!
Well ... Strangely, those files just referred to all the missing files
on hellfire, where the PU FAQ was located. What was *really* strange,
is all the links *worked*. Only the primary index.htm file had been
changed. All the other files were there. However, those *won't* work
if in the future somebody removes them from the hellfire website.

So ....
I copied *all* the files from the old website (including all the ones
you missed, which was most of them) and then de-linked them with my
editor to remove all links to hellfire and made them all local and
relative links; creating directories as needed.

I was *tempted* to add my PUP Christmas edition to the Picayune
listings; but didn't for historical reasons.

I left the Dean's last words, my PUP part, Krazy's party, and the
various CDs down in the primary directory. If anybody wants to add them
to the Picayune page, feel free as far as I'm concerned.

Then I zipped the whole thing and will post the full 1.5meg file to

With it, just about anybody should be able to recreate the entire
website, without having to link to any part of the original.
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