Frank McCoy 6/6/09
(too old to reply)
Doc Dice
2009-06-11 22:50:52 UTC
Well, shit! I just got off the phone with Frank. This may not be exactly
right, but, as best I can remember, his wife of 40 years, Eileen, got
religion and moved out in February. She's now living in some religious
My God!! Ole pedo Frankie sure fucked up her mind, didn't he!
She's stopped taking her medications, because they're all preying
. . . er, praying over her.
She's probably praying that she can overcome the shame and disgrace
of being married to Frank McCoy.
On a lighter note, Frank broke his leg, I think he said it happened last
week, in a bicycle accident.
Prolly tripped over tha suitcase full of kiddie-fucking books
he wuz packin as he prepares to skip town be-4 his trial date.

Brandon D Cartwright
2009-06-12 12:08:51 UTC
On Thu, 11 Jun 2009 15:50:52 -0700 (PDT), Doc Dice
Post by Doc Dice
Well, shit! I just got off the phone with Frank. This may not be exactly
right, but, as best I can remember, his wife of 40 years, Eileen, got
religion and moved out in February. She's now living in some religious
My God!! Ole pedo Frankie sure fucked up her mind, didn't he!
Actually no..

According to Frank ..she reported him to the police herself when she
discovered his child pornography but when they arrived he managed to
convince them she was ill and delirious..

From: ***@millcomm.com
Newsgroups: alt.fan.frank.mccoy
Subject: Re: 15 years ago ...
Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2008 19:00:30 -0800 (PST)
Organization: http://groups.google.com
Lines: 391


" About three year ago, when my wife was out ofher head because of a
urinary-tract-infection for a day or so until the doctors gave her
propre antibiotics, *she* actually accused me of writing "child porn".
So ... I showed the police the stories I write,pointing out it's all
pure *text*, and showed them also my "library of child porn" down in
the basement"


So she has been vindicated..

So there I am, in my naked nudit, and the cops cuffing me with belly-
chain, while barely allowing me clothes to get dressed in. I couldn't
get them, they wouldn't get them for me, and the wife being almost too
sick to get them. Luckily, she did.

But ... They wouldn't allow me to take along my wallet with ID, money,
Credit-Cards, etc. This gets *very* important a little while later.
Actually, it turned out to be lucky.

They *did* allow me to wear suspenders (but not belt) so my pants
didn't fall down, wear my watch, and take along my reading-glasses
(without the case; and the eyepiece fell out; but they bagged it).
THIS turned out to be a big mistake; but not for any reason you might
expect. ;-{

So ... There I am, all trussed up like a goose, and *still* no word of
what it's all about. However, once the cops decided I didn't look
like an armed bank-robber or violent criminal about to go running for
the border in my bare feet and barely able to run at all, even without
the cuffs and chains, somebody relented and told me this was about my
*stories*; with some mention made (but not too specifically) about
"child pornography" and me perhaps disemminating them.
Post by Doc Dice
She's stopped taking her medications, because they're all preying
. . . er, praying over her.
She's probably praying that she can overcome the shame and disgrace
of being married to Frank McCoy.
On a lighter note, Frank broke his leg, I think he said it happened last
week, in a bicycle accident.
Prolly tripped over tha suitcase full of kiddie-fucking books
he wuz packin as he prepares to skip town be-4 his trial date.