I am tired of watching this
(too old to reply)
Wesley Struebing
2006-05-04 14:28:00 UTC
For months I watched Frank McCoy play games with a female I won't
He writes vulgar, sick, sexual things about her and this woman is
greatly distressed.
I thought Frank was a better person then that, I was dead wrong.
Frank McCoy
2006-05-04 17:30:38 UTC
Post by Wesley Struebing
For months I watched Frank McCoy play games with a female I won't
He writes vulgar, sick, sexual things about her and this woman is
greatly distressed.
I thought Frank was a better person then that, I was dead wrong.
I beg your pardon?
The only people I write "sick sexual things" about, are characters in my
stories. Only once did I ever write such a story about a real person; and that
was with said person's permission. That was several years ago. Even then I
never posted it, but gave the story to the person in question to do with as that
person wanted.

I have repeatedly *refused* to get involved in sexual fantasies with any real
people. The only person I get sexually involved with in any manner, is my wife.

And finally, I don't play games with anybody.
I certainly don't try to offend people.

If you really think I'm "playing games" then I suggest you go back and re-read
whatever posts offended you, and reconsider. If it still looks offensive, then
send me a copy by email; which is where, if you did find what I wrote offensive,
you should have told me first.

Personally, I'm inclined to think from the way this was posted that this is just
yet another troll and forged post like so many lately ... No more truly from Wes
than the posts objected-to are likely to be from me.
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