(too old to reply)
"" <@>
2005-01-19 04:55:22 UTC
My Isp News Server SEnt 100% Of The 480 KB

And My Payed News Server OnlySent A Small Percent Of

The 480 Kb .

Please Acsept My Apolage For The Miss Hap.

I Had Figure It Was The Other Way Around
And That The problem Had Bean Resolved When I Started Posting With My
Pay Server !00%

I Am Very Sorry--> Nikki

P/S I Will Start Posting Using My Free Tracable Server Again
And Unscribe From My Pay Private News Provider Who Has Bean Doig
A Very Bad Job For All Of Us.

Frank McCoy
2005-01-19 05:26:28 UTC
Post by "" <@>
My Isp News Server SEnt 100% Of The 480 KB
And My Payed News Server OnlySent A Small Percent Of
The 480 Kb .
Please Acsept My Apolage For The Miss Hap.
I Had Figure It Was The Other Way Around
And That The problem Had Bean Resolved When I Started Posting With My
Pay Server !00%
I Am Very Sorry--> Nikki
P/S I Will Start Posting Using My Free Tracable Server Again
And Unscribe From My Pay Private News Provider Who Has Bean Doig
A Very Bad Job For All Of Us.
You might consider going with Altopia instead of Uncensored News.
*FAR* better services, and they strip headers just like UN does.

Newscene also strips headers, but people don't trust them like they do
Chris at Altopia.

I've stuck with Altopia, ever since they seemed to be the single
newserver for a while that didn't cave in to government pressure to
self-censor by removing controversial newsgroups when no reason nor
even any real request was made to do so.

OK ... Uncensored News also kept the groups ... but their service has
*never* been half as good as Altopia's; and honestly I trust the
people at Altopia about ten times as much as at UN. I've also posted
the complete "Her Father's Daughter" through Altopia, with no problems
at all.

If you're trying to remain anonymous, then Altopia beats Uncensored
News all hollow ... and the price is similar, as I recall.
/ ' / ™
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