Hang in Frank.
(too old to reply)
2005-10-17 15:47:30 UTC
Honey, just remember, to eliminate ORANGE JUICE from her diet.

It turned my health around.
2005-10-18 03:03:01 UTC
Post by youngthing
Honey, just remember, to eliminate ORANGE JUICE from her diet.
It turned my health around.
Same here. Orange Juice makes me sick. But I can eat oranges okay.
Young Thing
2005-10-18 14:29:14 UTC
I have a history of UTI's and needed to
have a Uretha Daliation due to so much scar tissue. My Urologist said
if you want a bladder infection drink O.J.

My mom suffered with it and now our daughter also has it. I am not
saying any woman who drinks OJ will have an UTI, but for those who
suffer, it is hell.

Thanks for your response.
young thing
Young Thing
2005-10-18 16:24:51 UTC
Not only did I spell your name incorrectly, I didn�t answer your
question re.
oranges v.s. orange juice.
Hubby and I are watching our neighbor�s youngest grandson. They had
to take the 10 year old to the E.R. for stepping on a broken glass.
So, when she knocked on my door, looking frazzled, how could I say
Oh, God I should have said NO. ;-{ He is five and I am exhausted.

And they could be in the e.r. forever. Thank God I have toys for
little ones. Seeing we have five grand babies of our own.

Somehow he got into my folded clothing on the dryer.
He believes my bras are meant to be used as parachutes, and was flying
through the house. Rope. I need some real fast. This kid is so
Hubby took him for a walk down by the lake, so I could write you

Orange juice. I love it, but there is something in, it that attacks my
amune system concerning my U.T.I.�s.
Now, oranges on the other hand, I can have 1/2 orange. When eaten
slowly, there is no reaction in the least.

We have our own juicing machine. Hubby made me some O.J. that way, and
within and hour I was doubled over with cramps. After drinking tons of
water I was better.

The Urethral Dilation was done in the hospital under twilight. He had
to use a knitting needle device to stretch the Urethra.
They are back. It is time to make lunch.
young thing.
2005-10-20 03:49:01 UTC
Post by Young Thing
Not only did I spell your name incorrectly, I didn’t answer your
question re.
oranges v.s. orange juice.
Hubby and I are watching our neighbor’s youngest grandson. They had
to take the 10 year old to the E.R. for stepping on a broken glass.
So, when she knocked on my door, looking frazzled, how could I say
Oh, God I should have said NO. ;-{ He is five and I am exhausted.
And they could be in the e.r. forever. Thank God I have toys for
little ones. Seeing we have five grand babies of our own.
Somehow he got into my folded clothing on the dryer.
He believes my bras are meant to be used as parachutes, and was flying
through the house. Rope. I need some real fast. This kid is so
Hubby took him for a walk down by the lake, so I could write you
Orange juice. I love it, but there is something in, it that attacks my
amune system concerning my U.T.I.’s.
Now, oranges on the other hand, I can have 1/2 orange. When eaten
slowly, there is no reaction in the least.
We have our own juicing machine. Hubby made me some O.J. that way, and
within and hour I was doubled over with cramps. After drinking tons of
water I was better.
The Urethral Dilation was done in the hospital under twilight. He had
to use a knitting needle device to stretch the Urethra.
They are back. It is time to make lunch.
young thing.
I read your first post to me and didn't notice the misspelling so no big

Five grandkids!! WOW! Fantastic!
I see $$$ at Christmas time.<BG>

I got 3 grandkids, all little, and after 2 days of keeping them, my wife
and I are glad for them to go home. But we love them and they are fun!

I stay away from OJ. Love apple juice!

Hope the cut foot is not too bad. I stepped on glass when I was a kid.
Blood spurted out my foot, I pulled the glass fragment out, and went
screaming to my Mom. By the time we got to the doctor, my foot had stopped
bleeding and no glass was in the cut. lucky me!

take care.

Young Thing
2005-10-19 12:49:47 UTC
3. Young Thing � Oct 18, 12:24�pm � � show options
Newsgroups: alt.fan.frank.mccoy
From: "Young Thing" <***@optonline.net> - Find messages by this
Date: 18 Oct 2005 09:24:51 -0700
Local: Tues, Oct 18 2005 12:24�pm
Subject: Re: Hang in Frank.
Reply |Reply to Author| Forward| Print| Individual Message| Show
original| Remove| Report Abuse

Not only did I spell your name incorrectly, I didn?t answer your
question re.
oranges v.s. orange juice.
Hubby and I are watching our neighbor?s youngest grandson. � They had
to take the 10 year old to the E.R. for stepping on a broken glass.
So, when she �knocked on my door, �looking frazzled, how could I say
Oh, God I should have said NO. � ;-{ � He is five and I am exhausted.

And they could be in the e.r. forever. �Thank God I have toys for
little ones. �Seeing we have five grand babies of our own.

Somehow he got into my folded clothing on the dryer.
He believes my �bras are meant to be used as parachutes, and was flying

through the house. � Rope. �I need some real fast. �This kid is so
Hubby took him for a walk down by the lake, � so I could write you

Orange juice. �I love it, but there is something in, it that attacks my

amune system concerning my U.T.I.?s.
Now, oranges on the other hand, I can have 1/2 orange. �When eaten
slowly, there is no reaction in the least.

We have our own juicing machine. �Hubby made me some O.J. that way, and

within and hour I was doubled over with cramps. �After drinking tons of

water I was better.

The Urethral Dilation was done in the hospital under twilight. �He had
to use a knitting needle device to stretch the Urethra.
They are back. �It is time to make lunch.
young thing.
Frank McCoy
2005-10-18 03:37:26 UTC
Post by youngthing
Honey, just remember, to eliminate ORANGE JUICE from her diet.
It turned my health around.
It did?
Gee I thought OJ was good for you.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Young Thing
2005-10-18 14:38:23 UTC
Honey, yes it did.
I would have a bladder infection so severe I was hospitilized with
pain. Then my Urologist shared, to stay away from O.J.

Let me put it this way. I haven't had a UTI since I have been off O.J.
Yes, it is good for most people.
And I love it. Actually I would drink it all the time. Not for all
women, but for those who suffer with U.T.I.s it is poison.
By the way, saw your picture. Geez, you are delicious.
Love ya.
My best to your lady. Love you both,
young thing
Young Thing
2005-10-18 17:05:15 UTC
Hi Love,

Why would you ever want to dye your hair brown? You look smashing,
with dignified white, sexy hair.

Young Thing
Young Thing
2005-10-18 17:08:53 UTC
Hi Love,

Why would you ever want to dye your hair brown? You look smashing,
with dignified white, sexy hair.

Young Thing
2005-10-23 19:46:14 UTC
Ok, Cowboy,

Talk with you later.
Frank McCoy
2005-10-25 03:13:30 UTC
Post by youngthing
Ok, Cowboy,
Talk with you later.
Anytime. ;-}
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
2005-10-25 20:50:08 UTC
Anytime? Sounds good to me, Cowboy.
2005-10-31 00:44:46 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Anytime. ;-}
--> _____
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Just concerned. When I told hubby, he just said, "Shit, I know what
he's going through."
Take care, love.
2005-11-02 17:04:00 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by youngthing
Ok, Cowboy,
Talk with you later.
Anytime. ;-}
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Saw the dentist this morning and am having a root canal done this
afternoon. Well, it isn't that bad. Just that it is expensive.
We, old timers are living on a fixed income.
Frank McCoy
2005-11-02 22:23:38 UTC
Post by youngthing
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by youngthing
Ok, Cowboy,
Talk with you later.
Anytime. ;-}
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Saw the dentist this morning and am having a root canal done this
afternoon. Well, it isn't that bad. Just that it is expensive.
(Oh, my aching wallet!)
Post by youngthing
We, old timers are living on a fixed income.
Tell me about it.
It's all outgo and no income.
Post by youngthing
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
2005-11-02 23:11:36 UTC
Just that it is expensive.
Post by Frank McCoy
(Oh, my aching wallet!)
Post by youngthing
We, old timers are living on a fixed income.
Tell me about it.
It's all outgo and no income.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Saw my dentist this morning and she made an apt. with a root canal
specialist for the afternoon. I didn't realize my jaw was so swollen.
Didn't say anything to my husband, because he would only worry. Oh,
God, I sound like my mother. My jaw feels like it has been run over.
Didn't realize how infected it was.

Hubby was furious that I didn't say anything. He had to cancel his
Colonoscopy for tomorrow. Crap, he was pissed at me, for not seeing
the dentist last week. He has been to himself all day. Kept telling
me I should have said something, but it wasn't bothering me then.
I hate it when we are out of sync; and it wasn't my fault. Shit,
this is
going to be a cold night.

After $800, of root canal work and I go back another two times.
Isn't that fun? We paid everything up front. We don't have dental
insurance; not on our plan.
And, we go to a clinic, when we need medical attention. Had another
U.T.I. and was on 500 mg of Cipro all last week. It's from not
drinking enough water, and lack of exercise and I am getting old and

So we rob Peter to pay Paul. We have to get out of New Jersey.
It is so fucking expensive to live here. Our daughter and her hubby
live in Boston - that is worse. Maybe we will move to N.C. or go to
the MOON.

Would love to send you a picture of her. She is truly beautiful. I
am talking gorgeous.
My best to your lady. The lady of your dreams. YUM. ;-}
Frank McCoy
2005-11-03 02:00:35 UTC
Post by youngthing
Just that it is expensive.
Post by Frank McCoy
(Oh, my aching wallet!)
Post by youngthing
We, old timers are living on a fixed income.
Tell me about it.
It's all outgo and no income.
Saw my dentist this morning and she made an apt. with a root canal
specialist for the afternoon. I didn't realize my jaw was so swollen.
Didn't say anything to my husband, because he would only worry. Oh,
God, I sound like my mother. My jaw feels like it has been run over.
Didn't realize how infected it was.
Hubby was furious that I didn't say anything. He had to cancel his
Colonoscopy for tomorrow. Crap, he was pissed at me, for not seeing
the dentist last week. He has been to himself all day. Kept telling
me I should have said something, but it wasn't bothering me then.
I hate it when we are out of sync; and it wasn't my fault. Shit,
this is
going to be a cold night.
After $800, of root canal work and I go back another two times.
Isn't that fun? We paid everything up front. We don't have dental
insurance; not on our plan.
And, we go to a clinic, when we need medical attention. Had another
U.T.I. and was on 500 mg of Cipro all last week. It's from not
drinking enough water, and lack of exercise and I am getting old and
So we rob Peter to pay Paul. We have to get out of New Jersey.
It is so fucking expensive to live here. Our daughter and her hubby
live in Boston - that is worse. Maybe we will move to N.C. or go to
the MOON.
On the moon, you'd even have to pay for AIR.
Think about it. Don't pay your air-bill, you don't get to breathe.
Post by youngthing
Would love to send you a picture of her. She is truly beautiful. I
am talking gorgeous.
My best to your lady. The lady of your dreams. YUM. ;-}
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
2005-11-03 02:42:57 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
On the moon, you'd even have to pay for AIR.
Think about it. Don't pay your air-bill, you don't get to breathe.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Crap, you are right. Let's evaluate all the planets . . .NO that would
take too long. We are stuck here. Just remember, N.J. is the armpit
of America. Don't breathe, just inhale lightly. ;-}
2005-11-09 01:30:25 UTC
Deleted my messages to make more room.
Hubby did not have to have the toe nail removed. Instead, it was
shaved down and shaped.
This all occurred years ago, when we had one cord of wood delivered.
in our back yard.
Our son, hubby and I, worked our tails off, cutting up some kindling.
In the process, one very large fell on his toe and it had never been

I am down and wished I had been more discreet and less flamboyant and

2005-11-08 14:16:21 UTC
Post by youngthing
Just that it is expensive.
Post by Frank McCoy
(Oh, my aching wallet!)
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
That is what Hubby said last week. But he was more concerned for my
health. Yet, it was rough.
We are not rich folks. Well, maybe in other ways we are. Can't stay
away from one another.
I will take that over millions of bucks.
2005-11-09 15:14:35 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by youngthing
Ok, Cowboy,
Talk with you later.
Anytime. ;-}
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Good. Let's have that cup of coffee.
Frank McCoy
2005-11-09 20:58:14 UTC
Post by younthing
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by youngthing
Ok, Cowboy,
Talk with you later.
Anytime. ;-}
Good. Let's have that cup of coffee.
The pot is on. I hope you don't mind instant.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
2005-11-09 21:32:24 UTC
Instant is fine. ;-}
2005-11-10 16:25:20 UTC
Frank do you like sticky buns? I have this terrific receipt.
Thanks for the coffee. By the way, your wife is precious and your
is lots of fun; in his quiet way. Lots like his dad.
Frank McCoy
2005-11-11 05:11:17 UTC
Post by younthing
Frank do you like sticky buns? I have this terrific receipt.
Uh <Denny mode>
Don't you mean recipe?
A receipt is what you get to show you paid a bill.
A recipe is a list of instructions for cooking something.
</Denny mode>
Post by younthing
Thanks for the coffee. By the way, your wife is precious and your
is lots of fun; in his quiet way. Lots like his dad.
You know: I've never *ever* said what gender my kid is ... to anyone in the
newsgroups, not even you.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
2005-11-11 14:53:43 UTC
I don't know if you have a son or daughter.
Sometimes in using terms we say he without

It is obvious you feel violated. And I am sorry for
giving the impression you have a male child, when in fact it is
probably a daughter. I don't know.
I never knew.
Tim Merrigan
2005-11-11 18:04:14 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by younthing
Frank do you like sticky buns? I have this terrific receipt.
Uh <Denny mode>
Don't you mean recipe?
A receipt is what you get to show you paid a bill.
A recipe is a list of instructions for cooking something.
</Denny mode>
Post by younthing
Thanks for the coffee. By the way, your wife is precious and your
is lots of fun; in his quiet way. Lots like his dad.
You know: I've never *ever* said what gender my kid is ... to anyone in the
newsgroups, not even you.
I can't remember anywhere where you have either, you always refer to
him as "the kid", but somehow from context I've gotten the impression
he's male, and old enough to be living on his own, should he so wish.
So, Bette isn't the only one to get that impression.

I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the republic which it established, one nation, from many peoples, promising liberty and justice for all.

Tim Merrigan
2005-11-11 19:23:42 UTC
And old enough to be living on his own, should he so wish.

Our daughter was on her own after collage. She couldn't wait to have
her own place. Close enough to home, yet have her own space. She was
22 when she left home.
My husband and I were ecstatic. Wheeeee. We didn't have to whisper.
She is one gorgeous woman and she needed her privacy. That I could

I still don't know if Frank's child is a he or a she.
THINK - then use the keyboard.
2005-11-21 02:19:10 UTC
Tim Merrigan wrote:

Hi Tim.

Just wanted to say Hi. In New Jersey it is 45 degrees at 9:24.p.m.

What am I now, the weather girl?
Thanks for your fun chat. Mmmmm. Nice.

Tim Merrigan
2005-11-22 21:33:46 UTC
Post by younthing
Hi Tim.
Just wanted to say Hi. In New Jersey it is 45 degrees at 9:24.p.m.
What am I now, the weather girl?
Thanks for your fun chat. Mmmmm. Nice.
Sympathy, in Venice it's 92 and dry at 1:30 PM (Rita hates it, I think
it's wonderful).

(whispers) Oh! (Looks around to see if anyone might have overheard)
Don't tell anyone, we don't like that sort of thing getting out, it
just encourages people to move here.

I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the republic which it established, one nation, from many peoples, promising liberty and justice for all.

Tim Merrigan
2005-11-27 14:05:00 UTC
Post by Tim Merrigan
Tim Merrigan
All I can envision is your long beard rubbing against my warm tits.
It would feel so sexy.
Horny as ever.

Tim Merrigan
2005-11-28 14:52:50 UTC
Post by younthing
Post by Tim Merrigan
Tim Merrigan
All I can envision is your long beard rubbing against my warm tits.
It would feel so sexy.
Horny as ever.
Shakes head. Happy to oblige, if that's what you like.

I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the republic which it established, one nation, from many peoples, promising liberty and justice for all.

Tim Merrigan
2005-11-28 15:32:19 UTC
Post by Tim Merrigan
Post by younthing
All I can envision is your long beard rubbing against my warm tits.
It would feel so sexy.
Horny as ever.
Shakes head. Happy to oblige, if that's what you like.
That's what I would like. I can envision you feeling my tits, and you
know they are soft and full.
Tim, come on and let's play for a while. Then we can snuggle. ;-}


2005-10-24 05:03:57 UTC
Thanks Cowboy,

You always make me smile.
Young thing.
2005-10-26 00:55:31 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
It did?
Gee I thought OJ was good for you.
Yes, you are right. It is.
2005-10-26 00:59:24 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
It did?
Gee I thought OJ was good for you.
Yes, you are right. It is.
2005-10-26 00:59:55 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
It did?
Gee I thought OJ was good for you.
Yes, you are right. It is.