(too old to reply)
Frank McCoy
2004-04-12 01:51:12 UTC
Fastman?wrote in message ...
Can someone please post the HEA and IM series,
thanking you
As the trail of the Father and his Girlfriend are still in progress
it would be called "contempt of Court" if you publish
the Prosecutions evidence.
Anyway such abusive Rape pictures not belong here.
Professor in Chilkd Sexology
Pedo University
Incorrect. You also have to view the flipside. It's real, it's there,
it's on topic, and censorship in a group like this is the beginning of
the end. Nothing to do with my tastes, but damn essential.
The Sot Weed Factor
Concise, yet gratifyingly perspicacious.
Huh? Please remember that some of us are of limited intelligence.
Fastman are you referring to me? shame on you...
and we are accused of being in bed together....
I am NOT for censorship... you all know that but
everytime Hea have been posted here we have a flood of complaints
so that was my reason to make that statement.
I am fully aware that Posting Pictures of past events
do not make any difference to the "victim" and can not
in any way make the past event better or worse.
I also know posting Child Porn will help to cut down Rape and abuse
as we had none of that in Denmark all those years KP was legally
produced and sold in Bookshops.
But I do not like great WARS in this NG.
The HEA serie are often Posted in LL-serie without any great
Just my opinion and not necessary that of PU.
Professor in Child Sexology
Pedo University
Family Counseling Office
Pedo University
Usenet campus

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Frank McCoy
2004-04-12 01:51:21 UTC
Chasing Amy wrote in message ...
bestowed from atop the mount his words of wisdom upon mankind, speaking
Can someone please post the HEA and IM series,
thanking you
As the trail of the Father and his Girlfriend are still in progress
it would be called "contempt of Court" if you publish
the Prosecutions evidence.
Anyway such abusive Rape pictures not belong here.
Professor in Chilkd Sexology
Pedo University
It's all just as illegal, PEM, so it's not like HEA is going to get someone
clapped while a bunch of those Russian thingies that've been popular lately
won't. At least, living in the U.S. or U.K., that is.
Personally, I don't feel it's immoral to post any sort of images. An image
isn't real life--it illustrates a moment in real life which, in the case of
illicit pornography, would have happened regardless if anyone on USENET
the images. The people who take pictures like HEA do it to gratify
*themselves*, not others. Anyone who would rape his own daughter, as the
story with HEA goes, is a sick twisted fuck in the first place, and doesn't
need the prospect of posting images online for him to do it.
That being said, if such images get one off--well, better to look at the
pictures than to do it in real life. Personally, when I whack off to a
Dark Bros. porn film, the instant my hand fills with semen I suddenly lose
the desire to go to a bar and bring home something I'll probably wish I
hadn't the next morning. It's simple male biochemistry. Which means that,
every time some guy requests HEA or something equally odious, and someone
posts it for him--think of it as a public service. :-)
Chasing Amy
(We all chase Amy...)
I personally agree with you.
That was the reason KP was legal for so many Years,
however every time Series like hea have been posted here and in our
associated Groups it start a huge flood of Flame and comments.
In the hundreds of thousands of Danish KP you never find a child being Raped
or even unhappy. Some other European Pictures from that era was suspect
but the service us Kids provided to the Public was well known. There was no
Child Kidnapping or rape in those years.
When it was banned then the horror started as elsewhere.
Professor in Child Sexology
Pedo University
Family Counseling Office
Pedo University
Usenet campus

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