I am sory Frank-> Nikki
(too old to reply)
Pee Wee Herman
2004-04-17 06:24:45 UTC
Contract Killing (Mf, cons, pedo, incest)
Please, Please, ***PLEASE*** get your headers right!
There's not a way in the world this story should be named "cons" for
consensual. It also should have the "squick-factor" lables: "tort"
and "snuff". Even BDSM would be inappropriate, as this story goes far
past such things, which are usually also consensual.

If you keep mislabeling stories like this, I (like others) will
probably have to confine you (and all the stories you post) to my

It's really, really, REALLY not fair to readers to be misled like
that. At best (comparing to normal advertising) it's "bait and
switch" tactics. At worst, it's fraud.

Please *READ* the stories before you post them, and then pick
*appropriate* story-codes when you do post, once you yourself know
what kind of story each one is.

You've even mislabeled a couple of *my* stories when you posted them;
but never as bad as this one.

The header *should have been something like:
"Contract Killing" (Mfff, NC, pedo, semi-incest, torture, snuff)
(It wan't *real* incest, because the man wasn't related to any of the

Thank you.
Followups redirected to alt.sex.stories.d
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Frank McCoy
2004-04-17 21:24:36 UTC
It's just a bit sickening to read something like that, when you expect
at least *part* of the story (from the headers) to be a child enjoying

Don't mean to come down on you like a ton-of-bricks; but a story like
that is kind of ton-of-bricks hard on an unsuspecting reader.

I suppose I should have expected it from the title ... but then some
of mine didn't match what you'd expect from the title. That's why the
story-codes in the header.

People come to *trust* story-codes; since they're *usually* put in by
the original authors, who know which readers they're trying to attract
... and which ones they're trying hard to not annoy.

To use an analogy, it's like opening your box of breakfast-cereal with
the picture of wheat-flakes on the cover, and pouring out a bunch of
slime filled with tentacles, creepy insects, and vomit.

Not exactly what you wanted for breakfast.
Nor does it match what the cover promised.

The story-codes in a posting to a story-group are like the cover on
that breakfast cereal. SOME people really do want to read that type
of story; and I don't fault you at all for posting it.

"Truth in advertising", please.
/ ' / ™
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Tim Merrigan
2004-04-18 06:11:47 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
It's just a bit sickening to read something like that, when you expect
at least *part* of the story (from the headers) to be a child enjoying
Don't mean to come down on you like a ton-of-bricks; but a story like
that is kind of ton-of-bricks hard on an unsuspecting reader.
I suppose I should have expected it from the title ... but then some
of mine didn't match what you'd expect from the title. That's why the
story-codes in the header.
People come to *trust* story-codes; since they're *usually* put in by
the original authors, who know which readers they're trying to attract
... and which ones they're trying hard to not annoy.
To use an analogy, it's like opening your box of breakfast-cereal with
the picture of wheat-flakes on the cover, and pouring out a bunch of
slime filled with tentacles, creepy insects, and vomit.
Not exactly what you wanted for breakfast.
Nor does it match what the cover promised.
But maybe exactly what your 8 yo son wants (the grosser the better),
but, as you say, the label should be accurate.
Post by Frank McCoy
The story-codes in a posting to a story-group are like the cover on
that breakfast cereal. SOME people really do want to read that type
of story; and I don't fault you at all for posting it.
"Truth in advertising", please.
Alecore Loki's original story codes for that story were accurate (and I
actually quite enjoyed it when I read it when it was originally posted),
but I have to agree that the poster of those INDEX stories gets the
codes wrong fairly often, not to mention the authors.
I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America,
and to the republic which it established, one nation from many peoples,
promising liberty and justice for all.

Tim Merrigan
e-mail: ***@comcast.net
URL: http://home.comcast.net/~tppm/home.htm
AIM: tppm1
YM: Tim_Merrigan

Science Fiction fans please try APA-***@yahoogroups.com --
This is a general interest Science Fiction fan list - not an "adult" list.

Fans or writers of anime lemons might try
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Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
Pee Wee Herman
2004-04-18 20:05:03 UTC
Post by Pee Wee Herman
Contract Killing (Mf, cons, pedo, incest)
Please, Please, ***PLEASE*** get your headers right!
There's not a way in the world this story should be named "cons" for
consensual. It also should have the "squick-factor" lables: "tort"
and "snuff". Even BDSM would be inappropriate, as this story goes far
past such things, which are usually also consensual.
If you keep mislabeling stories like this, I (like others) will
probably have to confine you (and all the stories you post) to my
It's really, really, REALLY not fair to readers to be misled like
that. At best (comparing to normal advertising) it's "bait and
switch" tactics. At worst, it's fraud.
Please *READ* the stories before you post them, and then pick
*appropriate* story-codes when you do post, once you yourself know
what kind of story each one is.
You've even mislabeled a couple of *my* stories when you posted them;
but never as bad as this one.
"Contract Killing" (Mfff, NC, pedo, semi-incest, torture, snuff)
(It wan't *real* incest, because the man wasn't related to any of the
Thank you.
Followups redirected to alt.sex.stories.d
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Pee Wee Herman
2004-04-18 22:50:14 UTC
Frank Do YouRecive My Aolagy????

Post by Pee Wee Herman
Post by Pee Wee Herman
Contract Killing (Mf, cons, pedo, incest)
Please, Please, ***PLEASE*** get your headers right!
There's not a way in the world this story should be named "cons" for
consensual. It also should have the "squick-factor" lables: "tort"
and "snuff". Even BDSM would be inappropriate, as this story goes far
past such things, which are usually also consensual.
If you keep mislabeling stories like this, I (like others) will
probably have to confine you (and all the stories you post) to my
It's really, really, REALLY not fair to readers to be misled like
that. At best (comparing to normal advertising) it's "bait and
switch" tactics. At worst, it's fraud.
Please *READ* the stories before you post them, and then pick
*appropriate* story-codes when you do post, once you yourself know
what kind of story each one is.
You've even mislabeled a couple of *my* stories when you posted them;
but never as bad as this one.
"Contract Killing" (Mfff, NC, pedo, semi-incest, torture, snuff)
(It wan't *real* incest, because the man wasn't related to any of the
Thank you.
Followups redirected to alt.sex.stories.d
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2004-04-18 23:02:25 UTC
Post by Pee Wee Herman
Post by Pee Wee Herman
Contract Killing (Mf, cons, pedo, incest)
Please, Please, ***PLEASE*** get your headers right!
There's not a way in the world this story should be named "cons" for
consensual. It also should have the "squick-factor" lables: "tort"
and "snuff". Even BDSM would be inappropriate, as this story goes far
past such things, which are usually also consensual.
If you keep mislabeling stories like this, I (like others) will
probably have to confine you (and all the stories you post) to my
It's really, really, REALLY not fair to readers to be misled like
that. At best (comparing to normal advertising) it's "bait and
switch" tactics. At worst, it's fraud.
Please *READ* the stories before you post them, and then pick
*appropriate* story-codes when you do post, once you yourself know
what kind of story each one is.
You've even mislabeled a couple of *my* stories when you posted them;
but never as bad as this one.
"Contract Killing" (Mfff, NC, pedo, semi-incest, torture, snuff)
(It wan't *real* incest, because the man wasn't related to any of the
Thank you.
Followups redirected to alt.sex.stories.d
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Frank McCoy
2004-04-19 01:00:48 UTC
Post by Pee Wee Herman
Something must be wrong with your newsreader.
I not only goave a reply, but somebody replied *to* my reply.
/ ' / ™
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Frank McCoy
2004-04-19 01:02:11 UTC
RE-sending reply; since it seems to have gotten lost:

It's just a bit sickening to read something like that, when you expect
at least *part* of the story (from the headers) to be a child enjoying

Don't mean to come down on you like a ton-of-bricks; but a story like
that is kind of ton-of-bricks hard on an unsuspecting reader.

I suppose I should have expected it from the title ... but then some
of mine didn't match what you'd expect from the title. That's why the
story-codes in the header.

People come to *trust* story-codes; since they're *usually* put in by
the original authors, who know which readers they're trying to attract
... and which ones they're trying hard to not annoy.

To use an analogy, it's like opening your box of breakfast-cereal with
the picture of wheat-flakes on the cover, and pouring out a bunch of
slime filled with tentacles, creepy insects, and vomit.

Not exactly what you wanted for breakfast.
Nor does it match what the cover promised.

The story-codes in a posting to a story-group are like the cover on
that breakfast cereal. SOME people really do want to read that type
of story; and I don't fault you at all for posting it.

"Truth in advertising", please.
/ ' / ™
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2004-04-19 03:10:31 UTC
OK Frank.

I Am Still Sory I Am Trying To Learn How To Please People .

Most Stories I Post Never Had Codes Like All Of Yours So I Was Using A
Junaric Coe.
From Now On If The Story Does NOT Have Codes I Will Leave The Codes Out
I Don't Really Knoe How To Code Them;


Your Friend I Hope. Nikki
Post by Frank McCoy
It's just a bit sickening to read something like that, when you expect
at least *part* of the story (from the headers) to be a child enjoying
Don't mean to come down on you like a ton-of-bricks; but a story like
that is kind of ton-of-bricks hard on an unsuspecting reader.
I suppose I should have expected it from the title ... but then some
of mine didn't match what you'd expect from the title. That's why the
story-codes in the header.
People come to *trust* story-codes; since they're *usually* put in by
the original authors, who know which readers they're trying to attract
... and which ones they're trying hard to not annoy.
To use an analogy, it's like opening your box of breakfast-cereal with
the picture of wheat-flakes on the cover, and pouring out a bunch of
slime filled with tentacles, creepy insects, and vomit.
Not exactly what you wanted for breakfast.
Nor does it match what the cover promised.
The story-codes in a posting to a story-group are like the cover on
that breakfast cereal. SOME people really do want to read that type
of story; and I don't fault you at all for posting it.
"Truth in advertising", please.
Frank McCoy
2004-04-19 23:05:46 UTC
Post by Nikki
OK Frank.
I Am Still Sory I Am Trying To Learn How To Please People .
Most Stories I Post Never Had Codes Like All Of Yours So I Was Using A
Junaric Coe.
From Now On If The Story Does NOT Have Codes I Will Leave The Codes Out
I Don't Really Knoe How To Code Them;
It's not hard:
If it has incest (sex between family members) in the story, put in,
"inc" or "incest".
If it is consensual (both parties want to have sex together) then put
in "cons", or "consensual". OTOH, if one party is FORCED to have sex,
then put in, "NC" or "non-consensual".
There's a guide posted every week or so in assd.

Still, if you don't know what to put as a header, then as you say, no
header is *much* better than an incorrect one.

Usually best (of course) is putting in the codes (or leaving out the
codes) the original poster put in. Try checking Google, to see how
the original poster did it.
Post by Nikki
Yeah. I'm usually idle. Ask my wife. ;-}
Post by Nikki
Your Friend I Hope. Nikki
Sure. No charge.
Not pissed off.
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