By Frank McCoy
(too old to reply)
2004-05-20 21:07:54 UTC
By Frank McCoy
Frank McCoy
2004-05-21 00:47:22 UTC
Post by Nikki
By Frank McCoy
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
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2004-09-30 00:12:57 UTC
/ ' / ™
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Hey Frank, is that your name? It looks SPIFFY!

_____ \__/_______ <- Like My Flower Vase, Hey I tried!
Frank McCoy
2004-09-30 02:01:48 UTC
Post by OscarBravoBravo
/ ' / â„¢
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_ "
Hey Frank, is that your name? It looks SPIFFY!
It's by a *very* old DOS program called CURSIVE.EXE
Post by OscarBravoBravo
_____ \__/_______ <- Like My Flower Vase, Hey I tried!
It's cute!
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
2004-09-30 03:33:16 UTC

Are you a ham?
Seldom see folks use phonetics.


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http://www.newsfeed.com The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! >100,000 Newsgroups
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2004-10-02 15:22:48 UTC
Actually Yes I am!!!
2004-05-23 07:22:45 UTC
OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!!


Frank, I don't know for sure who you are, but I'm so glad to see that some
of the old Pedo U people are still around and kicking! I do remember
seeing some messages at abpep-t with your sig on them, though I don't
think we ever communicated.

You may, perhaps, remember some posted messages in the old abpep-t group
that took place, mostly between me, ("Shy Girl") and Spirit Chaser and Dr.
Dribble. The Spirit Chaser - oh, how I miss Spirit Chaser... Do you know
if he's still around, and if so, is there any way that I can post
something, somewhere, for him to read? I just want to say "Hello" to a
kindred soul... Or, did he too fall victim to lea??

I'm not an incredibly computer-savvy person, but I do have and know how to
use PGP 7.0, if you prefer to use encrypted messages. I'm reasonably
confident that you're not lea, so if you'd like, I can give you an
encrypted message with a valid email address.

PLEASE post a reply to this, if you're so inclined. I stumbled across you
quite by accident - I remembered seeing your short message about your
"Farewell Post" in a google search, and I tracked it here. I wanted to
commiserate with you about the demise of the old group.

I'll be checking this site FREQUENTLY looking for a reply from you.

Thank you so much in advance for any help or information you might be able
to give me about finding Spirit Chaser. He was one of the few people who
never flamed me at PU - a lot of people didn't believe that I'm female.
Chaser did, and posted a lot of messages to me, and read a lot of them
from me.

Thank you...

Shy Girl
Frank McCoy
2004-05-23 19:17:44 UTC
Post by blackwolf98765
OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!!
Frank, I don't know for sure who you are,
Never been any secret to who I am.
I write stories.
Look me up on asstr.org
Or, look me up in the phone-book.
Post by blackwolf98765
but I'm so glad to see that some
of the old Pedo U people are still around and kicking! I do remember
seeing some messages at abpep-t with your sig on them, though I don't
think we ever communicated.
This one?

Family Counseling Office
Pedo University
Usenet campus

If you read my stories, you'd get the reason behind it.
I posted my stories over there.
Didn't get involved with the pictures.
Was there for the conversations; particularly about my stories and the
situations like those in my stories.

AND, of course, for the humor.
Damn, I miss CR's humor and way of flaming an idiot.

As to if we ever communicated ... Let me check ....
Post by blackwolf98765
You may, perhaps, remember some posted messages in the old abpep-t group
that took place, mostly between me, ("Shy Girl") and Spirit Chaser and Dr.
Hmmm ... Can't find *any* records of messages from either "Shy Girl",
"Melissa", or "Dr. Dribble" in my archives. Of course, I only
followed threads that were about text-only posts, not any that had
pictures of any kind even mentioned in the headers. (My filters made
those invisible to me.) Lots of posts by SC though. I did find
several messages commenting on a "Melissa" picture, that didn't have
the extension in the header. Are you *sure* that's the moniker you
used back then in that group?

Also, somewhere between three and six months of my archives got lost
back when I had a major disk-crash. ;-{
Post by blackwolf98765
The Spirit Chaser - oh, how I miss Spirit Chaser... Do you know
if he's still around, and if so, is there any way that I can post
something, somewhere, for him to read? I just want to say "Hello" to a
kindred soul... Or, did he too fall victim to lea??
AFAIK, he's still around and has his own group.
Just looked in there; and it seems to be as dead as this group is
sometimes. Post a message there and see if anybody responds.
Post by blackwolf98765
I'm not an incredibly computer-savvy person, but I do have and know how to
use PGP 7.0, if you prefer to use encrypted messages. I'm reasonably
confident that you're not lea, so if you'd like, I can give you an
encrypted message with a valid email address.
Well ... Actually I prefer unencrypted messages.
I can handle encryption; but usually figure that if somebody needs to
hide what they write, then maybe they're better off not writing it at

I never hid what I wrote, who I am, what I do, or where I live and
work. Never needed to; since I wasn't doing anything illegal.

PGP makes a nice method of signing a post though to authenticate
you're the sender, But again, many people are better of not doing so.
Post by blackwolf98765
PLEASE post a reply to this, if you're so inclined. I stumbled across you
quite by accident - I remembered seeing your short message about your
"Farewell Post" in a google search, and I tracked it here. I wanted to
commiserate with you about the demise of the old group.
<Sigh.> Some of the best conversations (and some of the funnniest)
took place there. Now the group has died a heat-death of spam, just
like earlier groups did.

The only place on the net half as friendly is alt.callahans; and even
there, the subjects aren't as wide-ranging.
Post by blackwolf98765
I'll be checking this site FREQUENTLY looking for a reply from you.
I check in here every day to answer questions and sometimes make
comments; but if you're more interested in the yak-yak, then I post
far more often in alt.callahans (modeled after Mike Callahan's saloon
in Spider Robinson's stories),
alt.binaries.dominion.classact.kissass.join (the friendly place where
sometimes old friends hang out) and alt.sex.stories.d (the place to
discuss *sex stories*).
Post by blackwolf98765
Thank you so much in advance for any help or information you might be able
to give me about finding Spirit Chaser. He was one of the few people who
never flamed me at PU - a lot of people didn't believe that I'm female.
Chaser did, and posted a lot of messages to me, and read a lot of them
from me.
Like I said, check his froup. I just don't keep track of everybody
like I should. He might be gone, quit Usenet, died, or just left.
But I was under the *impression* SC was still around. (Be a *hell* of
a shock if somebody reminds me he died or something, and me not
remembering.) Possibly some of the people who hang out here or over
in abdckj could help out or know more. Sometimes SC himself dropped
in here in the past.

No porn anywhere though, unless you count my stories.
Post by blackwolf98765
Thank you...
No charge.
Post by blackwolf98765
Shy Girl
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
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Shy Girl
2004-05-24 03:18:39 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by blackwolf98765
OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!!
Frank, I don't know for sure who you are,
Never been any secret to who I am.
I write stories.
Look me up on asstr.org
Or, look me up in the phone-book.
I think I'll maintain a little more respect for your privacy than that, but
thank you sincerely!
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by blackwolf98765
but I'm so glad to see that some
of the old Pedo U people are still around and kicking! I do remember
seeing some messages at abpep-t with your sig on them, though I don't
think we ever communicated.
This one?
Family Counseling Office
Pedo University
Usenet campus
Yes, and the nifty one at the end of this and most of your other posts.
Post by Frank McCoy
If you read my stories, you'd get the reason behind it.
I posted my stories over there.
Didn't get involved with the pictures.
Was there for the conversations; particularly about my stories and the
situations like those in my stories.
AND, of course, for the humor.
Damn, I miss CR's humor and way of flaming an idiot.
As to if we ever communicated ... Let me check ....
I must admit to a certain predilection for some of the pics in the old group
- specifically the Ff, ff, and f pics. I leaned toward the softcore and
art stuff - hardcare is not my thing. But mostly I communicated with Spirit
Chaser and Dr. Dribble. I never posted pics, due to the very strong warnings
from Spirit Chaser. As to CR, well, he flamed me a few times, because he
never believed the fact that I happen to be female. But he did have a good
sense of humour.
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by blackwolf98765
You may, perhaps, remember some posted messages in the old abpep-t group
that took place, mostly between me, ("Shy Girl") and Spirit Chaser and Dr.
Hmmm ... Can't find *any* records of messages from either "Shy Girl",
"Melissa", or "Dr. Dribble" in my archives. Of course, I only
followed threads that were about text-only posts, not any that had
pictures of any kind even mentioned in the headers. (My filters made
those invisible to me.) Lots of posts by SC though. I did find
several messages commenting on a "Melissa" picture, that didn't have
the extension in the header. Are you *sure* that's the moniker you
used back then in that group?
Absolutely. I've always been "Shy Girl (Melissa); ***@nowhere.com" in
these groups. The name on this post that you just answered comes from TalkAbout,
where I found the message I referred to cross-posted.
Post by Frank McCoy
Also, somewhere between three and six months of my archives got lost
back when I had a major disk-crash. ;-{
I hate when that happens! I recently found myself badly infected with several
trojans, and had to redo my entire hard disk.
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by blackwolf98765
The Spirit Chaser - oh, how I miss Spirit Chaser... Do you know
if he's still around, and if so, is there any way that I can post
something, somewhere, for him to read? I just want to say "Hello" to a
kindred soul... Or, did he too fall victim to lea??
AFAIK, he's still around and has his own group.
Just looked in there; and it seems to be as dead as this group is
sometimes. Post a message there and see if anybody responds.
Oh, thank you, thank you!! That is such wonderful news. I'm so glad that
he didn't end up in the clutches of lea. I've been gone from the groups
for some time now due to a relationship inwhich my girlfriend would NOT have
understood my predilection for very young girls. However, she's gone now,
and I'm back. I desperately wanted to reach SC - he and I shared some very
intimate communications a few times. He alone, of all the people in the
group, seemed to understand why I was there, and was a source of great comfort
to me at times.
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by blackwolf98765
I'm not an incredibly computer-savvy person, but I do have and know how to
use PGP 7.0, if you prefer to use encrypted messages. I'm reasonably
confident that you're not lea, so if you'd like, I can give you an
encrypted message with a valid email address.
Well ... Actually I prefer unencrypted messages.
I can handle encryption; but usually figure that if somebody needs to
hide what they write, then maybe they're better off not writing it at
I never hid what I wrote, who I am, what I do, or where I live and
work. Never needed to; since I wasn't doing anything illegal.
I think that depends uon where one is located. I know that if I were caught
with some of your wonderful stories, I could face some trouble. Hence my
familiarity with PGP. BTW, do you think you might be able to write more
stories in the Ff or ff genre? I know that I for one would really appreciate
them - especially if they are of the soft and gentle persuasion. (Hint)
Post by Frank McCoy
PGP makes a nice method of signing a post though to authenticate
you're the sender, But again, many people are better of not doing so.
Post by blackwolf98765
PLEASE post a reply to this, if you're so inclined. I stumbled across you
quite by accident - I remembered seeing your short message about your
"Farewell Post" in a google search, and I tracked it here. I wanted to
commiserate with you about the demise of the old group.
<Sigh.> Some of the best conversations (and some of the funnniest)
took place there. Now the group has died a heat-death of spam, just
like earlier groups did.
I know - I've been there a few times, and was quite dismayed to see what
has become of it. I never knew the earlier groups.
Post by Frank McCoy
The only place on the net half as friendly is alt.callahans; and even
there, the subjects aren't as wide-ranging.
I'll look at the site - thank you.
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by blackwolf98765
I'll be checking this site FREQUENTLY looking for a reply from you.
I check in here every day to answer questions and sometimes make
comments; but if you're more interested in the yak-yak, then I post
far more often in alt.callahans (modeled after Mike Callahan's saloon
in Spider Robinson's stories),
alt.binaries.dominion.classact.kissass.join (the friendly place where
sometimes old friends hang out) and alt.sex.stories.d (the place to
discuss *sex stories*).
I'm sure I'll come across you again at some point in one of these groups.
I've noted them for future reference.
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by blackwolf98765
Thank you so much in advance for any help or information you might be able
to give me about finding Spirit Chaser. He was one of the few people who
never flamed me at PU - a lot of people didn't believe that I'm female.
Chaser did, and posted a lot of messages to me, and read a lot of them
from me.
Like I said, check his froup. I just don't keep track of everybody
like I should. He might be gone, quit Usenet, died, or just left.
But I was under the *impression* SC was still around. (Be a *hell* of
a shock if somebody reminds me he died or something, and me not
remembering.) Possibly some of the people who hang out here or over
in abdckj could help out or know more. Sometimes SC himself dropped
in here in the past.
No porn anywhere though, unless you count my stories.
Of course I count your stories! I enjoy them, and have several in encrypted
form. Please keep up the good work!
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by blackwolf98765
Thank you...
No charge.
I hope to be able to return the favor in some way at some time. Again, thank
you so much for the lead on SC - I dearly hope that I can reach him.

Thank you, Frank.
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by blackwolf98765
Shy Girl
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
Frank McCoy
2004-05-24 06:28:44 UTC
Post by Shy Girl
Post by Frank McCoy
Hmmm ... Can't find *any* records of messages from either "Shy Girl",
"Melissa", or "Dr. Dribble" in my archives. Of course, I only
followed threads that were about text-only posts, not any that had
pictures of any kind even mentioned in the headers. (My filters made
those invisible to me.) Lots of posts by SC though. I did find
several messages commenting on a "Melissa" picture, that didn't have
the extension in the header. Are you *sure* that's the moniker you
used back then in that group?
these groups. The name on this post that you just answered comes from TalkAbout,
where I found the message I referred to cross-posted.
Nope. No "shy girl" No "shygirl" No "melissa" and No body except
no_juan from nowhere.

I *did* find a "somechick" though.
That person had a lot of conversations with SC and others.
But *she* went by the moniker of "becky" not "melissa"; and (curiously
enough) in some posts, claimed to come from "nowhere" when returning
after an absence.
Post by Shy Girl
Post by Frank McCoy
Also, somewhere between three and six months of my archives got lost
back when I had a major disk-crash. ;-{
I hate when that happens! I recently found myself badly infected with several
trojans, and had to redo my entire hard disk.
Mine just crashed ... and I had to resort to a three-month-old backup.
Luckily I had one THAT recent.
Post by Shy Girl
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by blackwolf98765
The Spirit Chaser - oh, how I miss Spirit Chaser... Do you know
if he's still around, and if so, is there any way that I can post
something, somewhere, for him to read? I just want to say "Hello" to a
kindred soul... Or, did he too fall victim to lea??
AFAIK, he's still around and has his own group.
Just looked in there; and it seems to be as dead as this group is
sometimes. Post a message there and see if anybody responds.
Oh, thank you, thank you!! That is such wonderful news. I'm so glad that
he didn't end up in the clutches of lea. I've been gone from the groups
for some time now due to a relationship inwhich my girlfriend would NOT have
understood my predilection for very young girls. However, she's gone now,
and I'm back. I desperately wanted to reach SC - he and I shared some very
intimate communications a few times. He alone, of all the people in the
group, seemed to understand why I was there, and was a source of great comfort
to me at times.
Well, as you know by now, Sky says he's shut himself down for now.
Going by another name, I hear.
That's probably why his froup is empty.
He might well not WANT to be contacted.
Post by Shy Girl
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by blackwolf98765
I'm not an incredibly computer-savvy person, but I do have and know how
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by blackwolf98765
use PGP 7.0, if you prefer to use encrypted messages. I'm reasonably
confident that you're not lea, so if you'd like, I can give you an
encrypted message with a valid email address.
Well ... Actually I prefer unencrypted messages.
I can handle encryption; but usually figure that if somebody needs to
hide what they write, then maybe they're better off not writing it at
I never hid what I wrote, who I am, what I do, or where I live and
work. Never needed to; since I wasn't doing anything illegal.
I think that depends uon where one is located. I know that if I were caught
with some of your wonderful stories, I could face some trouble. Hence my
familiarity with PGP. BTW, do you think you might be able to write more
stories in the Ff or ff genre? I know that I for one would really appreciate
them - especially if they are of the soft and gentle persuasion. (Hint)
It's true. That's one reason I don't visit Canada. ;-{
I'm not sure what my legal status would be up there.
However, if they caught me coming into their country with even my
regular "reading material" ....

Well, I don't want to find out.
Post by Shy Girl
Post by Frank McCoy
PGP makes a nice method of signing a post though to authenticate
you're the sender, But again, many people are better of not doing so.
Post by blackwolf98765
PLEASE post a reply to this, if you're so inclined. I stumbled across
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by blackwolf98765
quite by accident - I remembered seeing your short message about your
"Farewell Post" in a google search, and I tracked it here. I wanted to
commiserate with you about the demise of the old group.
<Sigh.> Some of the best conversations (and some of the funnniest)
took place there. Now the group has died a heat-death of spam, just
like earlier groups did.
I know - I've been there a few times, and was quite dismayed to see what
has become of it. I never knew the earlier groups.
Post by Frank McCoy
The only place on the net half as friendly is alt.callahans; and even
there, the subjects aren't as wide-ranging.
I'll look at the site - thank you.
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by blackwolf98765
I'll be checking this site FREQUENTLY looking for a reply from you.
I check in here every day to answer questions and sometimes make
comments; but if you're more interested in the yak-yak, then I post
far more often in alt.callahans (modeled after Mike Callahan's saloon
in Spider Robinson's stories),
alt.binaries.dominion.classact.kissass.join (the friendly place where
sometimes old friends hang out) and alt.sex.stories.d (the place to
discuss *sex stories*).
I'm sure I'll come across you again at some point in one of these groups.
I've noted them for future reference.
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by blackwolf98765
Thank you so much in advance for any help or information you might be able
to give me about finding Spirit Chaser. He was one of the few people who
never flamed me at PU - a lot of people didn't believe that I'm female.
Chaser did, and posted a lot of messages to me, and read a lot of them
from me.
Like I said, check his froup. I just don't keep track of everybody
like I should. He might be gone, quit Usenet, died, or just left.
But I was under the *impression* SC was still around. (Be a *hell* of
a shock if somebody reminds me he died or something, and me not
remembering.) Possibly some of the people who hang out here or over
in abdckj could help out or know more. Sometimes SC himself dropped
in here in the past.
No porn anywhere though, unless you count my stories.
Of course I count your stories! I enjoy them, and have several in encrypted
form. Please keep up the good work!
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by blackwolf98765
Thank you...
No charge.
I hope to be able to return the favor in some way at some time. Again, thank
you so much for the lead on SC - I dearly hope that I can reach him.
Thank you, Frank.
You're welcome.
Sorry I couldn't help more.
Still, I figure if SC wants to get in touch with you, he probably
knows by now you're looking for him.

Well ... Maybe.
Others who know him far better than I do, DO stick their collective
noses in here on occasion.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
2004-10-02 15:27:02 UTC
To Daytek,

I love ham radio, but I haven't been on it for a LOOONG time, and I want
to go back sometime this year... I loved it, but it took a lot of time!
Are you a ham?
Have a great day!
2004-10-05 00:10:32 UTC
Post by OscarBravoBravo
To Daytek,
I love ham radio, but I haven't been on it for a LOOONG time, and I want
to go back sometime this year... I loved it, but it took a lot of time!
Are you a ham?
Have a great day!
Forgive Me!

I forgot I posted in here, and just now making my way around the groups,
saw my old post and your replies.

I be only half-a-ham (no code), but have not done much in past two years.
2mtrs does fine for me to be part of Skywarn. SSB on 2 is fun also.

