tapping microphone ....
(too old to reply)
Laurence Taylor
2004-02-06 16:54:35 UTC
My ISP has dropped a bunch of newsgroups, just checking this isn't one
of them.

... Who is General Failure and why is he reading my drive?
begin Why DO people use broken software?
Frank McCoy
2004-02-07 16:02:31 UTC
Post by Laurence Taylor
My ISP has dropped a bunch of newsgroups, just checking this isn't one
of them.
"Test. Test. Is this thing on?"
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Laurence Taylor
2004-02-07 23:11:49 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Laurence Taylor
My ISP has dropped a bunch of newsgroups, just checking this isn't one
of them.
"Test. Test. Is this thing on?"
Or "is this f***ing microphone live?", as English actor Gerald Harper
said just before his programme on London's Capital Radio. It was,

... Who is General Failure and why is he reading my drive?
begin Why DO people use broken software?
Frank McCoy
2004-02-07 23:50:17 UTC
Post by Laurence Taylor
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Laurence Taylor
My ISP has dropped a bunch of newsgroups, just checking this isn't one
of them.
"Test. Test. Is this thing on?"
Or "is this f***ing microphone live?", as English actor Gerald Harper
said just before his programme on London's Capital Radio. It was,
Yeah ... Over the years there have been quite a few of those
contretemps with microphones and cameras being on, either before the
guy thought the show started, or after he/she thought it was over.

Some have cost whole careers; like one case I remember hearing of,
where the guy started disparaging the intelligence of his listeners
while the camera and microphone were still live. His ratings dropped
like a bomb; and within days, so did his whole career. Those who
weren't listening in at the time, got the whole thing replayed for
them by others.

"Damage-control?" That's like trying to fix a building after a bomb
blows it to bits.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Uncle Sky
2004-02-08 06:57:58 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Laurence Taylor
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Laurence Taylor
My ISP has dropped a bunch of newsgroups, just checking this isn't
one of them.
"Test. Test. Is this thing on?"
Or "is this f***ing microphone live?", as English actor Gerald Harper
said just before his programme on London's Capital Radio. It was,
Yeah ... Over the years there have been quite a few of those
contretemps with microphones and cameras being on, either before the
guy thought the show started, or after he/she thought it was over.
Some have cost whole careers; like one case I remember hearing of,
where the guy started disparaging the intelligence of his listeners
while the camera and microphone were still live. His ratings dropped
like a bomb; and within days, so did his whole career. Those who
weren't listening in at the time, got the whole thing replayed for
them by others.
"Damage-control?" That's like trying to fix a building after a bomb
blows it to bits.
I seem to recall a story about that guy who read the sunday funnies on the
radio. Kids all over the place loved to listen to him. Then one day,
according to the story, he thought the mike was off and made a comment on
the order of "I hope that makes the little bastards happy" and I believe he
found himself out of work.

If I have the facts wrong forgive me but it was about 60 years ago I
believe. :-)
Uncle Sky
Laurence Taylor
2004-02-08 22:45:03 UTC
Post by Uncle Sky
I seem to recall a story about that guy who read the sunday funnies on the
radio. Kids all over the place loved to listen to him. Then one day,
according to the story, he thought the mike was off and made a comment on
the order of "I hope that makes the little bastards happy" and I believe he
found himself out of work.
I remember one US president, I forget which, but it could have been
Reagan, said "tonight we nuke Moscow", not realising the satellite
link was live.

... Who is General Failure and why is he reading my drive?
begin Why DO people use broken software?
Tim Merrigan
2004-02-09 02:17:19 UTC
Post by Uncle Sky
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Laurence Taylor
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Laurence Taylor
My ISP has dropped a bunch of newsgroups, just checking this isn't
one of them.
"Test. Test. Is this thing on?"
Or "is this f***ing microphone live?", as English actor Gerald Harper
said just before his programme on London's Capital Radio. It was,
Yeah ... Over the years there have been quite a few of those
contretemps with microphones and cameras being on, either before the
guy thought the show started, or after he/she thought it was over.
Some have cost whole careers; like one case I remember hearing of,
where the guy started disparaging the intelligence of his listeners
while the camera and microphone were still live. His ratings dropped
like a bomb; and within days, so did his whole career. Those who
weren't listening in at the time, got the whole thing replayed for
them by others.
"Damage-control?" That's like trying to fix a building after a bomb
blows it to bits.
I seem to recall a story about that guy who read the sunday funnies on the
radio. Kids all over the place loved to listen to him. Then one day,
according to the story, he thought the mike was off and made a comment on
the order of "I hope that makes the little bastards happy" and I believe he
found himself out of work.
If I have the facts wrong forgive me but it was about 60 years ago I
believe. :-)
I think you've conflated two stories. The guy how read the comics on
the radio was Mayor Fiorello La Gugardia (during a newspaper strike).
The guy who said, inadvertently on the air "I hope that makes the little
bastards happy," was the host of some kids show, I've forgotten who.
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Tim Merrigan
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