(too old to reply)
"" <@>
2005-07-09 23:18:59 UTC
As You Know i Wrght Very Little Because My Spelling is
Very Bad,


Frank Never Tale Your Own Life

My Daddy Tried It More Then Once

And He Explaned To Me How He Saw No Relefe From The
Mental Pain He Was Gong Throughv And Had No HOPE
Of Relefe From It .

One Tme He Took 30 Sleepiing Pills At Once
And He Woke Up Three Days Later And Was Still Alive.

My Dad Is Your Age Mid 60' Now.

And Doing So Mulch Better These Days.

He Dictated His Story , Suiside Note On To 18 1hr. castes tapes

And Shared Them With Me After He Felt Better So As To Share

With Me How Bough Depreshon And Or Certain Cercomstanses The

Just Wont Go Away Can Make A Person Wont To End t All.


You Sound To Be Doing Better Now Ans This Makes Daddy And Me

We Bough Love You And You Work.

I Asked My Daddy If This Kinde Of A Situation Ever Happens
In You Life Again, If You Could Come Live With Us Here In
California And He Sed Absulutaly Yes.

My Daddy Lives On His Retirment From 35 years Of Service To
A Big National Co. Plus S.S. And Rent From His Rental Inverstments.

We Live Quite Well Here And Would Live To Share Ower Good Fortion

With You If You Ever Need It.

So Frank I Wont You To Know You Will Allways Have A Place To
Live If It Ever Came Down To It Again.

Pluss I Am Quite Shure There Are A Few More People Who Fell The
Same Way As We Do.

Frank You Are A Very Educated Man Who Works Part Time Jobs At
60 Plus . But You Will Allways Be Mr. Frank McCoy Friend Of
Many People Who Love You As You Aer Now.
A Wonderful Man.

We Love You Frank

Nikki And Daddy Jack
Frank McCoy
2005-07-13 02:38:39 UTC
Post by "" <@>
As You Know i Wrght Very Little Because My Spelling is
Very Bad,
Frank Never Tale Your Own Life
Don't WANT to. Thought it might be necessary.
Post by "" <@>
My Daddy Tried It More Then Once
And He Explaned To Me How He Saw No Relefe From The
Mental Pain He Was Gong Throughv And Had No HOPE
Of Relefe From It .
Not for mental pain. That I will put up with.
I just don't want a long painful death.
If I was dying of a painful cancer that couldn't be cured ....
Post by "" <@>
One Tme He Took 30 Sleepiing Pills At Once
And He Woke Up Three Days Later And Was Still Alive.
If I even TRY, I WILL succeed.
But, I don't want to try.
Also, the kid and at least one other person pointed out that for the
problem *I* had right then, there's a simple solution that doesn't
require my dying. I felt like an idiot. Here *I* always bragged that I
could always see several solutions to problems ... and then miss one of
the most obvious. Ah well. Next time I'll know better. No need to
kill myself just because I don't have a place to stay, anything to eat,
and my lack-of-medication will make dying painful. There *is* another
way that leaves me around to do things, if only continue my reading ...
Which I have enough unread to last several centuries at least.
Post by "" <@>
My Dad Is Your Age Mid 60' Now.
And Doing So Mulch Better These Days.
He Dictated His Story , Suiside Note On To 18 1hr. castes tapes
And Shared Them With Me After He Felt Better So As To Share
With Me How Bough Depreshon And Or Certain Cercomstanses The
Just Wont Go Away Can Make A Person Wont To End t All.
Well ... I never *wanted* to die ... I have too much to live for ...
just thought I was going-to; and was going to pick the quickest and
least painful way.
Post by "" <@>
You Sound To Be Doing Better Now Ans This Makes Daddy And Me
I'm doing OK ... The wife, sadly, isn't. ;-{
Post by "" <@>
We Bough Love You And You Work.
I Asked My Daddy If This Kinde Of A Situation Ever Happens
In You Life Again, If You Could Come Live With Us Here In
California And He Sed Absulutaly Yes.
My Daddy Lives On His Retirment From 35 years Of Service To
A Big National Co. Plus S.S. And Rent From His Rental Inverstments.
We Live Quite Well Here And Would Live To Share Ower Good Fortion
With You If You Ever Need It.
So Frank I Wont You To Know You Will Allways Have A Place To
Live If It Ever Came Down To It Again.
Pluss I Am Quite Shure There Are A Few More People Who Fell The
Same Way As We Do.
Frank You Are A Very Educated Man Who Works Part Time Jobs At
60 Plus . But You Will Allways Be Mr. Frank McCoy Friend Of
Many People Who Love You As You Aer Now.
A Wonderful Man.
We Love You Frank
Nikki And Daddy Jack
I knew people cared ... That's why *I* was writing a note ... for those
who did. It wouldn't have been fair to go without explaining why ...
even if the premise didn't turn out to be valid.
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