Spotlight: "Lucky Family" aaaannnnddd a short poll on the story.
(too old to reply)
Frank McCoy
2004-01-20 18:32:13 UTC
How many people here have had a story grow completely out-of-control;
ending up like *nothing* they originally intended? The characters
taking over the story, and telling the story THEY want to tell, not
what you the original author had in mind.

I've just posted a new story in "the usual places".
It's header reads:
*:NEW:* LUKYFMLY.TXT "Lucky Family?" (Mggg, bbgg, incest, cons,
*extreme pedo*, preg, downbeat)
I guess, except for that last, it *sounds* pretty much like my usual
fare: A pedo story about little girls who like sex and get pregnant.
Only it's not.

Oh, all that stuff *is* in there ... but that's not the story. It was
*originally* intended to be just a short 3-pager, a bit of fluff, a
stroke-story, with no apologies. Something for people to jack-off to.

Only ... The girl in the story wouldn't let it be that way. SHE had
her own story to tell; and it didn't stop at the sex. The girl woke
me up in the middle of the night, her voice in my head *insisting*
that I tell ALL of her story, not just the sexy stuff. Especially she
insisted and *insisted* that I let her tell about how SHE felt, and
how she felt unjustly convicted of something she never was actually
accused of doing. The WHOLE story or none at all.

Like I said, she actually *did* wake me up in the middle of the night;
not letting me sleep until I had the *whole* story down. It's almost
frightening that a "mere" character in a story can do that to you.

As the story tells, our country *claims* to be "free", to allow
"freedom of expression" and "freedom of speech", even allowing
hate-groups and cults to spew their beliefs without being arrested or
prevented. However, *some* beliefs and customs are too abhorrent to
the Public At Large to allow to be even spoken of in Public, even
though some of them have been practiced for thousands of years. At
the top (and most obvious) people just are *not* allowed to speak up
in favor of slavery or polygamy ... though the prohibition against the
second is fading. You now won't find yourself in prison for
advocating either ... just shouted down and almost killed if you do it
in public. The next step down is a little deeper ... advocating
cannibalism, for example, will get you investigated by the police, and
even worse. Yet many tribes have practiced cannibalism in the past.
Not just eating enemies either ... Eating the brains of loved ones who
died, in some cases. (Now a worry, because of a prion-based disease
named Kudzu, I believe.)

However, there are things below that ... Some things our society just
does NOT allow ... things considered even below torture,
dismemberment, and sex with animals. Some things that our society SO
disapproves of, that those who publicly advocate them could be in
danger of losing their lives. Witchcraft, necrophilia, and the
unnamed belief and lifestyle of the girl in the story. Even those
people who *really* believe in the Wicca religion are not the evil
Satan-Worshipers that Christians often think. Nor do necrophiliacs
hurt anybody. And ... There's even SOME evidence the life the girl in
the story leads, might not be the horror most people ass-u-me it would
be. She, for sure, liked it far better than what many in our society
go through.

So ... For those who *don't* like my stories: Be warned.
THIS story has elements of what you like *least* about most of my
And yet ... This story, unlike many, is more about other things than
the list of squicks in the header. Unlike many of my stories, it's
real STORY ... one with a point.

And ... For those of you who *do* like my stories: Be warned also.
This is *not* light reading, just to get your rocks off. Oh, it has
plenty of the usual "stroke material" in it. But it's dark, and the
ending could leave you crying ... it did me.

For those of you who *do* read the story, in spite of the above
disclaimers, I have a *very* short poll I'd *really* appreciate you
participating in:

A. IS the girl/woman in the story a "political prisoner"?
B. Should she be "let loose on society, or is she really a danger?

Remember, the woman is *very* convincing, quite attractive still, and
somewhere between the ages of 25 and 40 ... probably between 30 and 35
years old. Well young-enough to still have five, ten, or even more
children of her own, and to adopt those of any husband she might meet.
And she *is* going to want her kids raised in the same "loving"
fashion she grew up in ... much in the same manner as a Mormon Mother
in a polygamous family would want her girls to enjoy the fruits of
growing up in that religion and society.
Also remember that *I* am not advocating the lifestyle of the
girl/woman in the story. It's *much* too extreme; actually kind of
scary, thinking about how some men might take such a lifestyle.
(Think about how some of those same Mormons go *way* overboard in
their polygamous marriages, and you'll have some idea of the concerns
this even more extreme lifestyle would have.) No, it wouldn't be a
way of life *I* would want for my family or friends. That I write
about a girl/woman advocating it and telling how wonderful that way of
life is, does not mean that I support her views! No more than if I
wrote a tale of a child who enjoyed "rustic" life in the outdoors, or
a Mormon child who love being part of a BIG family. My characters'
views are not necessarily my own!

Anyway: What's YOUR vote?

Oh yeah ... This is the first real *story* story I've posted in a
while. The last one seemed to get ignored. So (begging now) if you
liked the story *as a story* not necessarily for it's sad content or
the propaganda therein, then could you *pretty please* nominate it for
a "Clitorides Award" in the newsgroup: alt.sex.stories.d ???
Pretty, pretty, please? Oh yeah ... and VOTE for it, if it does get

Yeah, I'm begging. It seems to be the *only* way to get votes. So
many people *say* they like my stories "best of all" ... but none of
them *ever* gets even a nomination.

To cheat a bit more: IF it gets nominated, I promise to release a
*good* story from my hopper (one that's already finished, but not
posted yet). If it WINS, even only the monthly contest, I'll post
*three* brand-new stories. And ... if by chance it wins the yearly
contest (no chance at all, Frankly Speaking) I'll release *seven more*
good stories from the hopper.

No pressure now. ;-}
Bribery will get you everywhere. Cold Hard Cash works wonders too.
(If I have to cheat to win ... Like others do ... I'm going to cheat
I *knew* those stories in the hopper would be good for *something*.
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2004-01-21 00:04:03 UTC
Sorry Frank. This one just doesn't make it for me. You know I like your
stories, but this sisn't a story to me. It's a lecture. I'm almost tempted
to call it a diatribe but that would be too strong.

As for the poll:

The answer to A is yes and the answers to B are yes and no.

She is a political prisoner and she should be released. But one person of
any age is not a real danger to society. That should be obvious since you
are not a danger in spite of your unpopular beliefs. One small voice lost
in the wind.

Unlike some of your fans, I don't read your stories to "get off" or as
"stroke" material. I read them for the enjoyment I get from the story. As I
said at the start of this post, I don't see this as a story.
Uncle Sky
Frank McCoy
2004-01-21 04:13:21 UTC
Post by U***@home.alone.invalid
Sorry Frank. This one just doesn't make it for me. You know I like your
stories, but this sisn't a story to me. It's a lecture. I'm almost tempted
to call it a diatribe but that would be too strong.
The answer to A is yes and the answers to B are yes and no.
She is a political prisoner and she should be released. But one person of
any age is not a real danger to society. That should be obvious since you
are not a danger in spite of your unpopular beliefs. One small voice lost
in the wind.
Ah, but you miss the second point:
Viewed by society, *she's a danger to her children*!

Would you release a mother who has killed two of her own children
already, to have a third, fourth, and fifth, to kill them?

Society's answer in such cases, it to put the people where they cannot
hurt others.

*I* am no such danger to my children. Never was.
I don't espouse such things, nor want my children to be raised that
way. (If I did, I would have. I didn't even think about it.)

SHE, on the other hand, thinks it's the only *sane* way to raise
children. Our society thinks such in child-endangerment. Look at it
like those children raised by Mormons in multi-wife families. They
want THEIR girl-children to grow up and marry into a family headed by
a strong man ... and to do so at a very early age. To us, that's
abuse. Are we going to allow a child to be raised in an abusive
household? Especially one which *to most of us* would seem VERY
abusive indeed.
Post by U***@home.alone.invalid
Unlike some of your fans, I don't read your stories to "get off" or as
"stroke" material. I read them for the enjoyment I get from the story. As I
said at the start of this post, I don't see this as a story.
It's not a diatribe, it's more of a philosophical question.
I'd *hate* to be the curator having to make that decision.
No matter what I did, somebody innocent (in my view) would be hurt ...
and *it would be my fault*!

Sometimes there *are* no "good solutions".
And THAT was the point of the story.
The truly tragic person in the story (and the one who woke me up in
the middle of the night to tell HER story) is the *curator*, not the
girl who liked sex.

Of course, I again *cheated* and didn't tell anybody that, when I
posed the poll, just like that Professor didn't tell his students he
was performing an experiment in memes.

"Sorry about that, Dave." ;-}
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Simple Man
2004-01-21 04:56:12 UTC
I know the feeling, and I for one found it interesting and provoking, it
made me think. As you are well aware, stories are written for the
entertainment of others, and we cannot and do not entertain everyone. I
liked it and will read in again.

Post by Frank McCoy
Post by U***@home.alone.invalid
Sorry Frank. This one just doesn't make it for me. You know I like your
stories, but this sisn't a story to me. It's a lecture. I'm almost tempted
to call it a diatribe but that would be too strong.
The answer to A is yes and the answers to B are yes and no.
She is a political prisoner and she should be released. But one person of
any age is not a real danger to society. That should be obvious since you
are not a danger in spite of your unpopular beliefs. One small voice lost
in the wind.
Viewed by society, *she's a danger to her children*!
Would you release a mother who has killed two of her own children
already, to have a third, fourth, and fifth, to kill them?
Society's answer in such cases, it to put the people where they cannot
hurt others.
*I* am no such danger to my children. Never was.
I don't espouse such things, nor want my children to be raised that
way. (If I did, I would have. I didn't even think about it.)
SHE, on the other hand, thinks it's the only *sane* way to raise
children. Our society thinks such in child-endangerment. Look at it
like those children raised by Mormons in multi-wife families. They
want THEIR girl-children to grow up and marry into a family headed by
a strong man ... and to do so at a very early age. To us, that's
abuse. Are we going to allow a child to be raised in an abusive
household? Especially one which *to most of us* would seem VERY
abusive indeed.
Post by U***@home.alone.invalid
Unlike some of your fans, I don't read your stories to "get off" or as
"stroke" material. I read them for the enjoyment I get from the story. As I
said at the start of this post, I don't see this as a story.
It's not a diatribe, it's more of a philosophical question.
I'd *hate* to be the curator having to make that decision.
No matter what I did, somebody innocent (in my view) would be hurt ...
and *it would be my fault*!
Sometimes there *are* no "good solutions".
And THAT was the point of the story.
The truly tragic person in the story (and the one who woke me up in
the middle of the night to tell HER story) is the *curator*, not the
girl who liked sex.
Of course, I again *cheated* and didn't tell anybody that, when I
posed the poll, just like that Professor didn't tell his students he
was performing an experiment in memes.
"Sorry about that, Dave." ;-}
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2004-01-21 05:29:30 UTC
Hey, I'm only one person. Just because I didn't get it doesn't mean much at
all. I'm not known for my intelect any way. Been known to miss great big
obvious things coming right at me. It was and is JMHO.
Uncle Sky
Simple Man
2004-01-21 05:39:14 UTC
Honest opinions have lost me a person I considered my friend, and I learned
big time not to comment when I had a negative or opinionated feeling of
another author's story. But I do feel vindicated to know that I was not the
only one to do this.

Post by U***@home.alone.invalid
Hey, I'm only one person. Just because I didn't get it doesn't mean much at
all. I'm not known for my intelect any way. Been known to miss great big
obvious things coming right at me. It was and is JMHO.
Uncle Sky
Frank McCoy
2004-01-21 23:35:59 UTC
Post by Simple Man
Honest opinions have lost me a person I considered my friend, and I learned
big time not to comment when I had a negative or opinionated feeling of
another author's story. But I do feel vindicated to know that I was not the
only one to do this.
Um ... I *live* for comments ... good, bad, or indifferent.
A good negative comment will make my day.

I may argue about a point, or point something out, but just getting
the comment at all, makes me all warm inside. It means somebody read
the story and was paying attention.

Thanks all.
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Laurence Taylor
2004-01-21 13:30:20 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
How many people here have had a story grow completely out-of-control;
ending up like *nothing* they originally intended? The characters
taking over the story, and telling the story THEY want to tell, not
what you the original author had in mind.
It's a long time since I wrote anything, but my stories (although
nothing like yours) all worked like that.

I call it "writing from the hip" - if I have to stop and think about
the plot, who is doing what, and so on, noting will happen. I simply
staer with a very basic concept, often something suggested by
something I've read or heard on the news, and let the characters take

I quite literally have no idea what is going to happen in the next
Post by Frank McCoy
And ... For those of you who *do* like my stories: Be warned also.
This is *not* light reading, just to get your rocks off. Oh, it has
plenty of the usual "stroke material" in it. But it's dark, and the
ending could leave you crying ... it did me.
Stories about young girls and sex aren't really my cup of tea (for one
thing, they're the wrong gender :-)), but I have on occasion had a
story that totally unexpectedly caused me to burst into tears, and a
one with a strong romantic element will often have me reaching for a
handkerchief. I'm a soppy old thing, really!
Post by Frank McCoy
For those of you who *do* read the story, in spite of the above
disclaimers, I have a *very* short poll I'd *really* appreciate you
A. IS the girl/woman in the story a "political prisoner"?
B. Should she be "let loose on society, or is she really a danger?
This is what gets me interested ....

... Minds are like parachutes, they work only when open.
begin Idiot driver of the week: GU52 AOH
Frank McCoy
2004-01-21 23:45:18 UTC
Post by Laurence Taylor
Post by Frank McCoy
How many people here have had a story grow completely out-of-control;
ending up like *nothing* they originally intended? The characters
taking over the story, and telling the story THEY want to tell, not
what you the original author had in mind.
It's a long time since I wrote anything, but my stories (although
nothing like yours) all worked like that.
I call it "writing from the hip" - if I have to stop and think about
the plot, who is doing what, and so on, noting will happen. I simply
staer with a very basic concept, often something suggested by
something I've read or heard on the news, and let the characters take
I quite literally have no idea what is going to happen in the next
Post by Frank McCoy
And ... For those of you who *do* like my stories: Be warned also.
This is *not* light reading, just to get your rocks off. Oh, it has
plenty of the usual "stroke material" in it. But it's dark, and the
ending could leave you crying ... it did me.
Stories about young girls and sex aren't really my cup of tea (for one
thing, they're the wrong gender :-)), but I have on occasion had a
story that totally unexpectedly caused me to burst into tears, and a
one with a strong romantic element will often have me reaching for a
handkerchief. I'm a soppy old thing, really!
Post by Frank McCoy
For those of you who *do* read the story, in spite of the above
disclaimers, I have a *very* short poll I'd *really* appreciate you
A. IS the girl/woman in the story a "political prisoner"?
B. Should she be "let loose on society, or is she really a danger?
This is what gets me interested ....
Me too.
I think there are law-rules about not prosecuting somebody *before*
they commit a crime, that might be apropos here ... But then, if a
psychiatrist *knows* his patient will go out and kill somebody ...
even himself, isn't he supposed to have that person committed?

Here, the girl/woman is so obviously ... uh ... brainwashed? that if
she has children, her way of raising them is something that Society
would consider abuse of the worst kind ... even if SHE figures it's
the sanest way.

OTOH (Playing Devil's Advocate) how is it "just" to imprison her when
she doesn't presently have any children? (Her previous child being
adopted-out, long lost in the system, and probably adult by then
anyway.) Isn't that imprisoning her for a crime she can't even commit
... yet? Still, she COULD get married and have kids within a year.

How would *you* feel about having to be the curator and make such a
decision? Eeep!
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Jeff Zephyr
2004-01-22 03:36:50 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
How many people here have had a story grow completely out-of-control;
ending up like *nothing* they originally intended? The characters
taking over the story, and telling the story THEY want to tell, not
what you the original author had in mind.
I try to avoid letting it go so far -- though sometimes it is hard
to stop them.
Post by Frank McCoy
For those of you who *do* read the story, in spite of the above
disclaimers, I have a *very* short poll I'd *really* appreciate you
A. IS the girl/woman in the story a "political prisoner"?
B. Should she be "let loose on society, or is she really a danger?
Probably, but in the sense of behaving strongly outside of social
rules and showing an inability (or unwillingness) to recognize the
actions advocated as being illegal, she may well have psychological
problems which should be addressed.

Confinement, though, not on a quick reading. No more dangerous than
a zillion other people out on the street, doing all sorts of dangerous
(but usally legal, or not so illegal as to get a lot of attention)

Web site at http://www.asstr.org/~jeffzephyr/
For FTP, ftp://ftp.asstr.org/pub/Authors/jeffzephyr/

There is nothing more important than petting the cat.
Frank McCoy
2004-01-22 04:08:50 UTC
Post by Jeff Zephyr
Post by Frank McCoy
How many people here have had a story grow completely out-of-control;
ending up like *nothing* they originally intended? The characters
taking over the story, and telling the story THEY want to tell, not
what you the original author had in mind.
I try to avoid letting it go so far -- though sometimes it is hard
to stop them.
Post by Frank McCoy
For those of you who *do* read the story, in spite of the above
disclaimers, I have a *very* short poll I'd *really* appreciate you
A. IS the girl/woman in the story a "political prisoner"?
B. Should she be "let loose on society, or is she really a danger?
Probably, but in the sense of behaving strongly outside of social
rules and showing an inability (or unwillingness) to recognize the
actions advocated as being illegal, she may well have psychological
problems which should be addressed.
The problem with most people "having psychological problems which
should be addressed" and, like you say below, there are myriads of
them, is that our society doesn't allow "treatment" for such problems
unless the person signs on to them ... something she'll never do.

That's *unless* the person is ruled "a danger to Society" because of
those problems ....
Post by Jeff Zephyr
Confinement, though, not on a quick reading. No more dangerous than
a zillion other people out on the street, doing all sorts of dangerous
(but usally legal, or not so illegal as to get a lot of attention)
As you say.
But HER "problem" happens to be one of our *present* society's biggest
squicks. A little over a hundred years ago, nobody would have blinked
twice at her or her family ... if they kept it quiet. Now it would be
(almost) worse than public cannibalism. Almost.

IF, say the curator had her released, and five years later she got
arrested because her family was practicing the way she was taught as a
child ....

Well, that curator's career would be rather short and not-so-sweet,
wouldn't it? Even if the curator thinks she *should* release the
woman, CYA comes into account.

Always think of yourself, first.
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2004-01-24 03:58:44 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
IF, say the curator had her released, and five years later she got
arrested because her family was practicing the way she was taught as a
child ....
Well, that curator's career would be rather short and not-so-sweet,
wouldn't it? Even if the curator thinks she *should* release the
woman, CYA comes into account.
Always think of yourself, first.
What an evil society would come from such a saying!

"Let that be a lesson to you, Lisa; never help anybody!"
- homer

Frank McCoy
2004-01-24 05:57:37 UTC
Post by Leowulf
Post by Frank McCoy
IF, say the curator had her released, and five years later she got
arrested because her family was practicing the way she was taught as a
child ....
Well, that curator's career would be rather short and not-so-sweet,
wouldn't it? Even if the curator thinks she *should* release the
woman, CYA comes into account.
Always think of yourself, first.
What an evil society would come from such a saying!
I know ... But it often seems that well over half our society is based
on just that attitude. ;-{

I don't use it personally ... much, anyway. But I'm not really sure
society would be *better* if it didn't make up a fair percentage.
OTOH, I'd be quite glad to *try* living in a society where, "Think of
the people around you first" or the physycian's "first do no harm" was
the major meme.
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2004-01-24 05:38:38 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
How many people here have had a story grow completely out-of-control;
ending up like *nothing* they originally intended? The characters
taking over the story, and telling the story THEY want to tell, not
what you the original author had in mind.
It happens - I think our imaginations are pulling in stuff from alternate
universes, and so what we come up with might not be what we expected. ;)
Post by Frank McCoy
I've just posted a new story in "the usual places".
*:NEW:* LUKYFMLY.TXT "Lucky Family?" (Mggg, bbgg, incest, cons,
*extreme pedo*, preg, downbeat)
I guess, except for that last, it *sounds* pretty much like my usual
fare: A pedo story about little girls who like sex and get pregnant.
Only it's not.
Oh, all that stuff *is* in there ... but that's not the story. It was
*originally* intended to be just a short 3-pager, a bit of fluff, a
stroke-story, with no apologies. Something for people to jack-off to.
And written that way. I was aroused and you had the genders reversed
from what I usually get into. well ... you mentioned in passing the
lucky boys able to enjoy loving sex with their Mommy and sisters -
impressive even as only a peripheral. :) It actually reminded me of
some of the stories naugas did a few years back. Really hot stuff!
Post by Frank McCoy
Only ... The girl in the story wouldn't let it be that way. SHE had
her own story to tell; and it didn't stop at the sex. The girl woke
me up in the middle of the night, her voice in my head *insisting*
that I tell ALL of her story, not just the sexy stuff. Especially she
insisted and *insisted* that I let her tell about how SHE felt, and
how she felt unjustly convicted of something she never was actually
accused of doing. The WHOLE story or none at all.
Like I said, she actually *did* wake me up in the middle of the night;
not letting me sleep until I had the *whole* story down. It's almost
frightening that a "mere" character in a story can do that to you.
As the story tells, our country *claims* to be "free", to allow
"freedom of expression" and "freedom of speech", even allowing
hate-groups and cults to spew their beliefs without being arrested or
prevented. However, *some* beliefs and customs are too abhorrent to
the Public At Large to allow to be even spoken of in Public, even
though some of them have been practiced for thousands of years. At
the top (and most obvious) people just are *not* allowed to speak up
in favor of slavery or polygamy ... though the prohibition against the
second is fading.
I doubt there are many people here in ASSD land who would have much
problem with polygamy, but I'd like to say that there have been times and
places where slavery could be acceptable.
Post by Frank McCoy
You now won't find yourself in prison for
advocating either ... just shouted down and almost killed if you do it
in public. The next step down is a little deeper ... advocating
cannibalism, for example, will get you investigated by the police, and
even worse. Yet many tribes have practiced cannibalism in the past.
Not just eating enemies either ... Eating the brains of loved ones who
died, in some cases. (Now a worry, because of a prion-based disease
named Kudzu, I believe.)
However, there are things below that ... Some things our society just
does NOT allow ... things considered even below torture,
dismemberment, and sex with animals. Some things that our society SO
disapproves of, that those who publicly advocate them could be in
danger of losing their lives. Witchcraft, necrophilia, and the
unnamed belief and lifestyle of the girl in the story. Even those
people who *really* believe in the Wicca religion are not the evil
Satan-Worshipers that Christians often think. Nor do necrophiliacs
hurt anybody. And ... There's even SOME evidence the life the girl in
the story leads, might not be the horror most people ass-u-me it would
be. She, for sure, liked it far better than what many in our society
go through.
So ... For those who *don't* like my stories: Be warned.
THIS story has elements of what you like *least* about most of my
And yet ... This story, unlike many, is more about other things than
the list of squicks in the header. Unlike many of my stories, it's
real STORY ... one with a point.
And ... For those of you who *do* like my stories: Be warned also.
This is *not* light reading, just to get your rocks off. Oh, it has
plenty of the usual "stroke material" in it. But it's dark, and the
ending could leave you crying ... it did me.
It was sad - if I had allowed it to impact me, it would have had a
similar effect.
Post by Frank McCoy
For those of you who *do* read the story, in spite of the above
disclaimers, I have a *very* short poll I'd *really* appreciate you
A. IS the girl/woman in the story a "political prisoner"?
B. Should she be "let loose on society, or is she really a danger?
A. Obviously - that's the point of the story.
B. Objectively, she is no danger to her children nor to society as a
whole. Subjectively, from the perspective of Western cultural mores, she
would be a danger to both. Your question, though, was _should_ she be
let loose. I think even from the perspective of society, she should be.
She has commited no crime, and Western society could always benefit from
a dissenting view.
Post by Frank McCoy
Remember, the woman is *very* convincing, quite attractive still, and
somewhere between the ages of 25 and 40 ... probably between 30 and 35
years old. Well young-enough to still have five, ten, or even more
children of her own, and to adopt those of any husband she might meet.
And she *is* going to want her kids raised in the same "loving"
fashion she grew up in ... much in the same manner as a Mormon Mother
in a polygamous family would want her girls to enjoy the fruits of
growing up in that religion and society.
And there are some patriarchial mormon households that raise happy,
productive offspring ...
Post by Frank McCoy
Also remember that *I* am not advocating the lifestyle of the
girl/woman in the story. It's *much* too extreme; actually kind of
scary, thinking about how some men might take such a lifestyle.
Sexist that I am, I have trouble envisioning such a thing with a man in
charge that wouldn't be abusive (negligible experience of a RL mommy
makes it easy for one to have an idealized view of same). It does occur
to me that introducing sex too early in RL might put undo strain on
developing sex organs. Also, a child will develop the mores you teach
him or her. You make that clear enough in this story, and in fact it is
this fact, this set of values the girl holds dear, that creates the
curator's dilemma.
Post by Frank McCoy
(Think about how some of those same Mormons go *way* overboard in
their polygamous marriages, and you'll have some idea of the concerns
this even more extreme lifestyle would have.) No, it wouldn't be a
way of life *I* would want for my family or friends. That I write
about a girl/woman advocating it and telling how wonderful that way of
life is, does not mean that I support her views! No more than if I
wrote a tale of a child who enjoyed "rustic" life in the outdoors, or
a Mormon child who love being part of a BIG family. My characters'
views are not necessarily my own!
I can understand that. I don't want the stuff I write about either;
there's a world of difference between fantasy and reality.
Post by Frank McCoy
Anyway: What's YOUR vote?
Oh yeah ... This is the first real *story* story I've posted in a
while. The last one seemed to get ignored. So (begging now) if you
liked the story *as a story* not necessarily for it's sad content or
the propaganda therein, then could you *pretty please* nominate it for
a "Clitorides Award" in the newsgroup: alt.sex.stories.d ???
Pretty, pretty, please? Oh yeah ... and VOTE for it, if it does get
Yeah, I'm begging. It seems to be the *only* way to get votes. So
many people *say* they like my stories "best of all" ... but none of
them *ever* gets even a nomination.
uh ... sure. I have no idea how that works or what it means, but
consider yourself nominated and my vote cast in your favor. :)
Post by Frank McCoy
To cheat a bit more: IF it gets nominated, I promise to release a
*good* story from my hopper (one that's already finished, but not
posted yet). If it WINS, even only the monthly contest, I'll post
*three* brand-new stories. And ... if by chance it wins the yearly
contest (no chance at all, Frankly Speaking) I'll release *seven more*
good stories from the hopper.
a good enough reason if ever I saw one!

Frank McCoy
2004-01-24 17:59:27 UTC
Post by Leowulf
uh ... sure. I have no idea how that works or what it means, but
consider yourself nominated and my vote cast in your favor. :)
I think you have to do it by one of these links:
/ ' / ™
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2004-01-24 20:55:59 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Leowulf
uh ... sure. I have no idea how that works or what it means, but
consider yourself nominated and my vote cast in your favor. :)
Ok - it's probably already been nominated before, but if not, it is now!

BTW, did you read "The Better Man"? Its my first story with cuckold in the
codes (and probably my only - even if my women have sex with people other
than their husbands, the terms cheat or cuckold simply wouldn't apply). I
wrote this one in response to someone whining a lot for one that used his
family's names.

Frank McCoy
2004-01-24 21:57:06 UTC
Post by Leowulf
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Leowulf
uh ... sure. I have no idea how that works or what it means, but
consider yourself nominated and my vote cast in your favor. :)
Ok - it's probably already been nominated before, but if not, it is now!
BTW, did you read "The Better Man"? Its my first story with cuckold in the
codes (and probably my only - even if my women have sex with people other
than their husbands, the terms cheat or cuckold simply wouldn't apply). I
wrote this one in response to someone whining a lot for one that used his
family's names.
Hmm ... Don't think so.
Couldn't find it on your site on asstr.
I've only read about four or five stories there.

Where do I find it?

Just finished the one about the kid hacking the fembot.
Knowing programming ... a few minor glitches there, but cute.
The ending was ... almost ... just right.
The right ending; but not *quite* perfect how you got there.

(I know ... picky, picky, picky. But then, that's how I like *my*
stories to be evaluated.)
/ ' / ™
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2004-01-24 22:23:23 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Leowulf
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Leowulf
uh ... sure. I have no idea how that works or what it means, but
consider yourself nominated and my vote cast in your favor. :)
Ok - it's probably already been nominated before, but if not, it is now!
BTW, did you read "The Better Man"? Its my first story with cuckold
in the codes (and probably my only - even if my women have sex with
people other than their husbands, the terms cheat or cuckold simply
wouldn't apply). I wrote this one in response to someone whining a
lot for one that used his family's names.
Hmm ... Don't think so.
Couldn't find it on your site on asstr.
I've only read about four or five stories there.
Where do I find it?
It's on ASSM for now, released from moderation on 20 Jan. I haven't
added it to my ASSTR site yet because it's really a femdom story and just
for the sake of balance I wanted to do a non-femdom story before adding
more dominant women to the page. Jeffrey just got bumped to the front of
the line because that's where the muse was leading me. Now I'm at a loss
- need to chill today, but tomorrow may post something nice, and then add
both the nice story and the femdom-cuckold story to my ASSTR page.
Post by Frank McCoy
Just finished the one about the kid hacking the fembot.
Knowing programming ... a few minor glitches there, but cute.
The ending was ... almost ... just right.
The right ending; but not *quite* perfect how you got there.
(I know ... picky, picky, picky. But then, that's how I like *my*
stories to be evaluated.)
Actually you were very nice about it. It was apparently _way_ off from a
technical perspective, according to folks on ASFR, but I don't know
anything about computers in the first place. ;)

Frank McCoy
2004-01-25 02:47:52 UTC
Post by Leowulf
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Leowulf
BTW, did you read "The Better Man"? Its my first story with cuckold
in the codes (and probably my only - even if my women have sex with
people other than their husbands, the terms cheat or cuckold simply
wouldn't apply). I wrote this one in response to someone whining a
lot for one that used his family's names.
Hmm ... Don't think so.
Couldn't find it on your site on asstr.
I've only read about four or five stories there.
Where do I find it?
It's on ASSM for now, released from moderation on 20 Jan. I haven't
added it to my ASSTR site yet because it's really a femdom story and just
for the sake of balance I wanted to do a non-femdom story before adding
more dominant women to the page. Jeffrey just got bumped to the front of
the line because that's where the muse was leading me. Now I'm at a loss
- need to chill today, but tomorrow may post something nice, and then add
both the nice story and the femdom-cuckold story to my ASSTR page.
Oh ... OK, I'll look through my archives.
Post by Leowulf
Post by Frank McCoy
Just finished the one about the kid hacking the fembot.
Knowing programming ... a few minor glitches there, but cute.
The ending was ... almost ... just right.
The right ending; but not *quite* perfect how you got there.
(I know ... picky, picky, picky. But then, that's how I like *my*
stories to be evaluated.)
Actually you were very nice about it. It was apparently _way_ off from a
technical perspective, according to folks on ASFR, but I don't know
anything about computers in the first place. ;)
If you want, I'll make a few corrections in wording that'll fix most
of the problems.

Most of them center on the fact that computers (and thus fembots with
programmin) are *very* specific when it comes to wording. Something
you used to advantage in the story, but neglected in the programming
and especially the command-sequences.

BTW: No more than *most* people would allow just anybody access to the
PIN number to their bank-account; even less would most people leave
the main password to their 'bot accessible to casual hacking.

However: A little explanation about "back doors" and technician
security provisions ... Then add the normal human tendency NOT to look
out for or search out security-revisions even today on the internet
where people can take over control of their computers ....

Yeah, I presume personal 'bots would be both better and worse in this
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