Eager Beaver (Mf, school, ped)
(too old to reply)
"" <@>
2005-03-13 00:37:06 UTC
Eager Beaver (Mf, school, ped)

By Anon 1994


It was just another Monday, as the professor walked into the
classroom. The test scheduled for today was an important one for the
students, but to the teacher it was just another day. Professor Mac, as
the students called him, sometimes enjoyed test days better than regular
ones however. Since the course in human sexuality was one of the more
popular ones on campus, it was always full. But from Mac's point of
view, it was the young women who made the class enjoyable. He loved sex,
whether it was talking about it, watching it, doing it, reading about
it, or teaching it. There were often students in the class who knew
nothing, young women who had never been allowed to say the word 'sex'
aloud without getting in trouble. He loved watching them squirm when he
talked in his animated way about "the penis is inserted into the vagina
with the natural lubrication available from the walls of the vagina or
when aided by some externally applied cremes or jellies". He really
couldn't talk about the cock and the pussy, although he really felt that
would more natural for these kids. He never said penis when he was a kid
and played "I'll show you if you show me" with Loretta from down the
Mac moved to the front of the tiered lecture hall and removed the test
papers from his briefcase. He looked up at the room full of expectant
faces, and realized that he especially liked test days because he would
have more time to look up the dresses of the girls as they bent over
their exams in concentration. They seldom looked up to see that he was
bending or moving to try to get the right angle to get a good squirrel
shot. Mac really didn't care for girls who wore shorts to class. He was
not really into legs as much as into pussies. Noticing that several of
the girls were wearing skirts today, Mac began to pass out the tests and
called out the instructions. He reminded them to do their own work, that
exams were by definition a mental masturbation and hence mutual
masturbation and group activities were not allowed during this hour
although what they did at night was up to them. Mac liked his little
joke, and a few of the class tittered about it, but some frowned. One
girl in particular looked at Mac and he could see some sort of fire
light up in her eyes. Interestingly enough, she was one of the ones
wearing a fairly full skirt and he made a mental note of where she was
sitting so he could watch her during the test.
When he had finished distributing the tests, Mac told the students
that they could begin, and he began to pace slowly across the front of
the room, checking out the girls who had on skirts. He only half
interestedly kept an eye out for cheating. He noticed one girl sitting
in a blue skirt that almost came to her knees as she sat with her legs
slightly apart. He stepped in front of her and up one tier to get a
better angle and was rewarded with a good angle of view up her dress and
between her legs. She didn't quite have her legs open enough for Mac to
see anything except where her thighs came together, but it was early in
the exam yet; she'd relax her legs and they would open up as she
concentrated more and more on her test. Mac moved slowly up the tiers,
crossed over a couple of rows of desks and started back down. As he
passed the girl who had had fire in her eyes earlier at his masturbation
joke, Mac noticed her name from the top of the test, "E. Beaver". Mac
remembered noticing the name on the rolls when the semester started, but
had been even more intrigued when he learned that everyone called her
'Eager' or 'Eager Beaver', referring to her enthusiasm for her studies
he assumed. He didn't remember what the E might really stand for. He
thought the name was probably a lot of grief for the pretty young girl
since 'beaver' was a common slang word, which meant both a female person
and a female's genitals.
Mac reached the bottom of the tiers and turned to face the class
again and realized with a start that Eager had crossed her legs in the
figure 4 or very open way that boys usually use and girls seldom use. He
moved to his left a half step to improve the angle, and as he got into
perfect alignment, Eager reached down under the desktop. She pulled the
side of her skirt up better than halfway up her thigh, and scratched an
itch lazily. Mac almost gasped aloud for the action allowed plenty of
light to filter through and illuminate her crotch, which was visible
through the opening beneath her crossed leg. Mac could see a tremendous
amount of skin, and strained to see her panties, wondering what color
they would be. He couldn't tell what color panties she was wearing
although he felt he should be seeing directly to her triangle. "Perhaps
they are a tan or beige color and hence flesh like. Her hair color is
dark enough that I should be able to see pussy hair if she isn't wearing
any panties," he thought. The area was open to enough light that if she
had been wearing black or a bright color or even white, then he should
have been able to see a panty triangle.
He stood still until she stopped scratching and returned her hand to
the desktop. To his great joy, she made no effort to pull her skirt down
from where it had risen while she scratched. She lifted her head, so Mac
looked her in the eyes for a second, seeing something unusual, but not
knowing exactly what. Then he looked away to check on the remainder of
the class. No one seemed to be cheating and he could see no better
prospect for pussy peeking so he didn't walk anymore. In a few seconds,
he returned his gaze to Eager, and she once again was staring at her
paper. This time, the amazing thing that happened was that as Mac
watched closely, she inserted her hand past an open button in her blouse
and in a half scratch, and half caress, grasped her un-confined tit.
Then she gave the nipple a tweak and removed her hand. Mac felt his
heart rate rise. He wished that he had felt his cock rise, but Mac had
found that although he never had a problem getting a hard-on as a result
of direct sexual action or even porno movies and books and sometimes
sexy conversation, he had not had much of an inclination to get a hard-
on with simple squirrel shots or even in strip joints or topless bars.
There had been times when he was getting a good shot up a woman's dress
and she had been looking back at him when he had really wanted to have a
hard-on or at least part of one so that he could show her a bulge in his
Eager uncrossed her legs and allowed them to spread slowly apart. Her
short legs didn't press her knees up much to allow much of a view in the
uncrossed position, but the action didn't cause her skirt to fall back
down. Mac started to fantasize about doing something with her. He had
always want to do something with one or maybe more of the young girls in
his class, but had not had any of them offer anything. He wasn't about
to make the first move and risk his job, but he wondered what he would
do if one offered to suck him off for an 'A' or to fuck him or to let
him suck her. Or maybe to show him her pussy and finger-fuck herself
while he watched and jacked off in return for a little better break on
the curve. But it hadn't happened yet, so he'd decided he'd cross that
crack when he came on it, or whatever the saying was.
Eager seemed unaware that he was watching her so intently. Indeed,
she seemed unaware that anyone might be looking at her. She placed her
hand in her lap, and Mac was dismayed that the action forced her skirt
to press down between her legs to hide her crotch. Then he watched in
amazement as Eager began to move her hand in her lap. He realized
suddenly that she was either scratching an itch in her pussy or was
slowly and gently playing with herself. Although Mac barely noticed,
Eager looked to her left and read the answer that the student sitting
next to her had just written. She returned her gaze to her paper, and
lifted her pussy playing hand from her lap and placed her hand to her
lips. She rubbed the underside of her nose gently with her index finger
and Mac thought, "I'll bet she is smelling her finger to see if she can
smell her pussy where she was playing with it."
Eager then reached down and tugged at her skirt and squirmed in the
seat, pulling her skirt about half way up her thighs on both sides, and
then she turned slightly in the seat and pulled her left leg up, putting
her left foot with her in the seat and raising her left knee high in the
air. She wrapped her left arm around the knee and leaned her head on her
knee and began to write on her test. Mac almost exclaimed aloud. He
stepped to his right and almost fell off the tier. From his new vantage
point, Mac could see up Eager's dress completely. He realized that she
had no panties on and with an unbelievable rush, realized that the
reason that he had not seen her pussy hair earlier was because Eager had
a completely smooth pussy. Every hair had been lovingly removed to leave
behind a soft, silky mons punctuated by the slit of her cunt. Eager
seemed not to notice that her pussy was now so visible, and she turned
her head to the right and began to read the test of the student to her
right. As she read, she dropped her left arm from around her leg and her
hand found its way around the outside of her thigh and she touched her
pussy gently with her fingers. Working her fingers back and forth, she
pried apart the labia, and Mac could see the gleam of reflected light
from the moisture, which was trapped in her slit.
Suddenly, Mac realized that he had been staring at her beautify pussy
for a long time and that he was practically holding his breath. Quickly
he looked around and fortunately no one seemed to be looking at him.
When he returned his gaze to Eager, he noticed that she was reading the
paper of the student to her right, and still playing with her pussy. She
wasn't quite finger fucking herself, rather she was just sort of
stroking her labia, and even seemed to be ignoring her clit. Mac
couldn't decide what to do about her obvious cheating. He couldn't allow
her to do that, for while his ethics allowed him to fuck around on his
wife, they did not allow for cheating. Yet, she was showing him the
prettiest pussy that he had seen since he was 14, and the events were
practically everything that he had been dreaming of. He realized too
that he did in fact have a partial hard-on, caused mainly from watching
her play with her pussy. Mac crossed to the desk, removed a piece of
paper from his briefcase, and wrote a note to Miss Beaver.
"Dear Miss Beaver:", it began. "Please stay after the exam as I must
have a serious discussion with you." Mac hesitated, then signed the
note, "Prof. McBride". He folded it once and wrote "E. Beaver" on the
outside. He looked up just as Eager took her leg down from the chair and
his potential for a good view went away. Mac waited until there were
only 10 minutes left in the exam period, and then he walked up to
Eager's desk and laid the note on the edge of the desk. Then he returned
to the front of the room and waited. He wondered why he had gotten no
more shots up any dresses. Then he decided that after seeing Eager's
hairless pussy, any other shot would have seemed dull and perhaps he
just hadn't noticed. Finally the bell rang, and all the students were up
like a shot. They passed in front of Mac and handed him their papers.
Mac fancied that one girl had sort of winked at him, but all that he
could think about was Eager still sitting in her desk.
When everyone else had left, Mac stepped up one tier and stopped in
the spot where he had been standing when she was playing with her pussy.
"I'm afraid that you have a problem, Miss Beaver," he began. "You see, I
saw you looking on other peoples papers during the test."
"Oh!" said Eager. "But I wasn't cheating. I had already answered the
question and was just curious what Mark had to say on that question. You
can look at Mark's paper. You can see that none of my answers are like
his. I also looked over here to the right to Dave's paper, but none of
my answers are like his either."
"Then why were you reading them? You were taking a chance on getting
thrown out of the class," Mac responded.
"I get so turned on in this class," she replied. "I love to read what
people write about their sex lives."
"Oh, that must have been question one about when people thought it
was okay to have sex for the first time," Mac offered.
"Yeah. Mark said that he thought it would be okay to fuck when you
are in love, whether you are married or not. Dave thought that you
wanted to know age to fuck, so he answered that he didn't think 18 was
necessary that the age to allow fucking should be about 15." She looked
pensive. "I figured you wanted some good shit, so I said any fuck
without permission is bad, all of the rest are okay, regardless of age,
marriage status, or level of emotional attachment."
"You really believe that?" asked Mac.
"Sure, don't you?" she asked in return.
"Well, sorta, I guess," Mac said. "But it really is a little more
complicated than that. But back to the point, what are we going to do
about this looking at other people's papers? I suspect other people saw
you too."
"Well, fuck 'em if they can't take a joke." she snapped. "Anyway, I
wasn't cheating, and if you'll read the tests, then you'll see. Besides,
I love getting turned on in this class cause I don't have a class next
hour, and I often go jack-off cause I'm so turned on, and reading this
shit from other people turns me on."
"Who are you going to jack-off?" Mac asked.
"Myself, unless you want to do it for me to help you forget that you
worried about nothing." Eager smiled coyly as she said the last part.
"I thought the term 'jack-off' referred to what guys do," Mac said.
"It does," she replied. "But some of my girlfriends and I decided
the terms works pretty well for us too, and is easier to say than
'finger-fuck myself till I cum'."
"Um, okay." Mac said. "Wait! What did you say about my helping you?"
"I just thought," she said, "that you are such a sexy guy and all and
perhaps you'd like to help me get off. You contributed a lot to getting
me horny, talking about the 'techniques of oral sex' and all like you
"I shouldn't do anything with you," Mac said, but his cock gave him
away and performed as he had always dreamed. As the image of touching
that smooth pussy and feeling the soft skin of her inner labia floated
across his mind, his hard-on returned with a definite bulge for Eager to
notice. And she did notice. She rose from the desk, and faced Mac. She
was so short that they stood eye to eye and she was up two tiers.
"I can tell that your body is interested," she said with a sly grin.
"Come on, I owe it to you so that you can quit worrying about my looking
at other people's papers."
She came down the tiers and stood next to Mac. She reached out her
hand and touched his hard-on through his pants. Mac felt his cock give
an answering jump at the heat of her touch. Mac knew he was going to
give in.
"Let's go to your office," she said as she rubbed the front of his
pants. Mac walked slowly backwards toward the desk. Finally he bumped in
it, almost falling over backwards. Eager giggled but continued to stroke
his cock. Mac closed the exam papers into his briefcase and locked the
case's locks. Then he and Eager left the classroom. Eager finally
removed her hand from his cock as they went out the door.
Frank McCoy
2005-03-13 00:51:36 UTC
Post by "" <@>
Eager Beaver (Mf, school, ped)
By Anon 1994
Um ... Nikki?
This newsgroup isn't really here for stories.

It's a FAN group, for those who like me, like my stories, and like to talk with
and about me an what I write, both here and in other groups.

Oh, occasionally I might post some pretty pictures here (not erotic ones) or
other things I think my fans might be interested in; and other people might post
things *I* might be interested in, *IF* they think I might not see such material

But even I don't post my own stories here.
Stories groups are intended for that.
and (of course)

I appreciate the thought; but I read *all* of those newsgroups; and posting
stories in any one of them will be seen by me.

Here, even though I'm an author of similar stories, they're a little bit
off-topic. Like said, this is mainly for discussions, requests, comments,
fun-things, and anything somebody thinks might be of interest to me or my fans.

*NOTICES* of stories posted elsewhere are VERY welcome here.
If I post a new story or set of stories, then likely I'll post a notice here,
for my fans, telling them about the new post, and where to go and find it.

If you want to do the same and post notices of stories posted in various
story-groups here, then please feel free to do so.

But not the stories themselves; as this isn't really a stories newsgroup, but a
FAN group. Besides, by posting HERE, you rather restrict your audience, as not
even most of the people who do like my stories even realize I have such a fan
group yet. Heck, I'd be mightily surprised if even 10% of my fans do.

/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Tim Merrigan
2005-03-13 09:15:40 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by "" <@>
Eager Beaver (Mf, school, ped)
By Anon 1994
Um ... Nikki?
This newsgroup isn't really here for stories.
It's a FAN group, for those who like me, like my stories, and like to talk with
and about me an what I write, both here and in other groups.
Oh, occasionally I might post some pretty pictures here (not erotic ones) or
other things I think my fans might be interested in; and other people might post
things *I* might be interested in, *IF* they think I might not see such material
But even I don't post my own stories here.
Stories groups are intended for that.
and (of course)
I appreciate the thought; but I read *all* of those newsgroups; and posting
stories in any one of them will be seen by me.
Here, even though I'm an author of similar stories, they're a little bit
off-topic. Like said, this is mainly for discussions, requests, comments,
fun-things, and anything somebody thinks might be of interest to me or my fans.
*NOTICES* of stories posted elsewhere are VERY welcome here.
If I post a new story or set of stories, then likely I'll post a notice here,
for my fans, telling them about the new post, and where to go and find it.
If you want to do the same and post notices of stories posted in various
story-groups here, then please feel free to do so.
But not the stories themselves; as this isn't really a stories newsgroup, but a
FAN group. Besides, by posting HERE, you rather restrict your audience, as not
even most of the people who do like my stories even realize I have such a fan
group yet. Heck, I'd be mightily surprised if even 10% of my fans do.
These stories seem to be cross posted from asdmi.
I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America,
and to the republic which it established, one nation, from many peoples,
promising liberty and justice for all.
Feel free to use the above variant pledge in your own postings.

Tim Merrigan