Repost for Beave: <Sigh.> - Taps.wav
(too old to reply)
Frank McCoy
2004-08-22 18:33:17 UTC
On the other hand...As long as someone keeps the lamp burning, there
will be light...
I think all members of Pedo-U, and not only the staff, but also the
lurkers would be glad if the University would re-open ...
Let's say that we had a long vacation, some kind of a sabbatical year
( that lasted too long, I agree :-) )
but why not repost the FAQ as a starter?
(Suppose someone still has a copy of it somewhere?)
Don't you think many will be happy to join?
Could we not try, at least?
The Black Knight.
It was the fact that *nobody* has posted much of anything at all to
the group (except for a short thread by Fastman, Fast Freddy, and Me,
about whether anything was going on here ... It wasn't) for two
months, when Krazy was going to burn down the PUb as a going-away
party. Back then, I resolved to stay until everybody had left; then
do what I did: Take down the flag, play Taps, and turn out the lights
as the last man (me) left.

Nobody seems *interested* in coming here any more; either being
involved in "Real Life", being scared of LEA, not finding anything
*new* in either pictures or conversations, or just sheer boredom.

I figured we'd all outgrown the place, like a lobster outgrows it's
shell ... and cannot crawl back inside.

abx died a similar death years earlier ... just BEFORE I managed to
get a server that would let me see it. <Sigh.>

In past times, people posted pictures here. THAT was what sparked the
group. As I said back then though, I *don't* want people doing
something illegal, that might get them arrested, just so *I* will have
interesting people here to talk to. Since my filters keep me from
even seeing the headers for the pictures, I don't care about them ...
but *other* people do ... and it's THAT controversy that attracted so
many and so varied a motley crew. Yes, the LEA people coming here to
"catch the filthy perverts" and then staying to argue points of the
conversations, the Bible Thumpers who start out OH SO convinced they
"know what is wrong with us" and even those who vow to shut the group
down. Along with people who START out as just curious onlookers,
wondering what the shouting is all about ... and end up contributing
to the group by conversation, if nothing else.

Without the pictures here to attract the controversy, all the steam
went out of the group; and *I* certainly am *NOT* going to ask people
to post illegal pictures, just so I will have interesting people to
talk to. Those who still *do* post such pictures, (I assume) have
long since gone on to other groups; and no longer have any interest in
this one. Since they're comfortable THERE, without all the yakking
HERE, I ass-u-me they are happier without the bullshit that made this
group so unique.

IOW, It seems to me that the people who KEPT this group alive, are now
quite happy that it's dead. Less bother, not having to put up with
all the bullshit that made this group such fun for people like us.

So ... unless you people want to resurrect the corpse ....

I *will* watch though, and be around if anybody does.
Family Counseling Office
Pedo University
Usenet campus

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Frank McCoy
2004-08-22 18:34:01 UTC
of us here to read, and said.......
Post by Frank McCoy
On the other hand...As long as someone keeps the lamp burning, there
will be light...
I think all members of Pedo-U, and not only the staff, but also the
lurkers would be glad if the University would re-open ...
Let's say that we had a long vacation, some kind of a sabbatical year
( that lasted too long, I agree :-) )
but why not repost the FAQ as a starter?
(Suppose someone still has a copy of it somewhere?)
Don't you think many will be happy to join?
Could we not try, at least?
The Black Knight.
It was the fact that *nobody* has posted much of anything at all to
the group (except for a short thread by Fastman, Fast Freddy, and Me,
about whether anything was going on here ... It wasn't) for two
months, when Krazy was going to burn down the PUb as a going-away
party. Back then, I resolved to stay until everybody had left; then
do what I did: Take down the flag, play Taps, and turn out the lights
as the last man (me) left.
Nobody seems *interested* in coming here any more; either being
involved in "Real Life", being scared of LEA, not finding anything
*new* in either pictures or conversations, or just sheer boredom.
I figured we'd all outgrown the place, like a lobster outgrows it's
shell ... and cannot crawl back inside.
abx died a similar death years earlier ... just BEFORE I managed to
get a server that would let me see it. <Sigh.>
In past times, people posted pictures here. THAT was what sparked the
group. As I said back then though, I *don't* want people doing
something illegal, that might get them arrested, just so *I* will have
interesting people here to talk to. Since my filters keep me from
even seeing the headers for the pictures, I don't care about them ...
but *other* people do ... and it's THAT controversy that attracted so
many and so varied a motley crew. Yes, the LEA people coming here to
"catch the filthy perverts" and then staying to argue points of the
conversations, the Bible Thumpers who start out OH SO convinced they
"know what is wrong with us" and even those who vow to shut the group
down. Along with people who START out as just curious onlookers,
wondering what the shouting is all about ... and end up contributing
to the group by conversation, if nothing else.
Without the pictures here to attract the controversy, all the steam
went out of the group; and *I* certainly am *NOT* going to ask people
to post illegal pictures, just so I will have interesting people to
talk to. Those who still *do* post such pictures, (I assume) have
long since gone on to other groups; and no longer have any interest in
this one. Since they're comfortable THERE, without all the yakking
HERE, I ass-u-me they are happier without the bullshit that made this
group so unique.
IOW, It seems to me that the people who KEPT this group alive, are now
quite happy that it's dead. Less bother, not having to put up with
all the bullshit that made this group such fun for people like us.
So ... unless you people want to resurrect the corpse ....
I *will* watch though, and be around if anybody does.
Family Counseling Office
Pedo University
Usenet campus
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Personally, I am glad it is over. It would be a crime to resurrect the NG only
to have it die again. And it would die again; death is inevitable.
I prefer to keep the memory of old friends, both alive and dead, in my inner
spirit, to laugh at the jokes and gags of the past with fondness, and to
realize that we all ended it by our own hands and not because we were brought
to our knees by our enemies. Our enemies cannot feel any satisfaction in the
way this NG survived, or in the way it came to its termination.
I am proud of the fact that we all outlasted this NG.
But Pedo U. must never be opened again. It is best that it go down in the
history of Usenet as the greatest and longest running gag ever seen, and be
remembered by both those of us who were there at its greatness, and those
who wish they were!!!
Even if it was reopened ... It would never be the same.
Like a *great* restaurant, "opened under a new owner" is never the
same. Even if it's great too.

Too many people have died, left, been arrested, quit, got tired,
moved-on, and lost interest. Those few of us "hard core" fanatics
left, who got such fun out of pulling jokes out of a hat, and keeping
the institution lively with discussions, just couldn't go it alone.

You can't really go back. ;-{

Wendy couldn't grow young again for Peter. Neither can we.

However: Pedo University isn't dead.
Like the Thousand Acre Woods, where a boy and his bear will always
play: As long as *we* keep alive in *our* minds the memory of an
institution where young boys and girls went for "higher education",
often wearing only what Nature Provided, under the watchful eye of
kindly Faculty Members, Pedo U will never die. There will always be a
place where innocence is alive, even while sex is allowed but never
forced. A place where children are *allowed* to learn about sex, but
never pushed into learning anything they feel uncomfortable with. A
place where the rapist and molester are abhorred, while the
child-lover is admired. A place where going naked is encouraged
instead of forbidden; and boys and girls are *not* forced to sleep in
separate dorms.

THIS story may be over ... But there will always exist a place where
children can play at being nude and sexy, without ever being nasty or
perverted. A place where a naked young girl playing happily on an old
man's lap isn't a cause for lynching, but admiration. A place where
children learn to explore their sexuality without fear of being
shamed, abused, exploited, or ridiculed. For THAT is what Pedo U
taught the children there: Not to be frightened of being sexy. That
while bad people abound in the world, it isn't sex that's wrong ...
it's the evil people have in their minds. That feeling good isn't
something to hide or deny. That it isn't only fun to enjoy your body,
but it's something you can share, as God intended. Being naked is the
way you were born. Clothing is intended to *protect*, not to hide
behind. Sometimes, with some people, you need to protect your body
from their mistaken hate. But never be ashamed of your body, being
naked, or feeling sexy. That's why children oh-so-much enjoy taking
their clothes off, and running around stark naked: It FEELS good.
It's NATURAL, and God intended us to do it, no matter what the fundies

(As the old Bible Thumper once said, "If God had wanted us to run
around naked, he would have created us that was!!!")

No, Pedo U isn't dead. As long as *we* keep the ideals of the
institution alive, Pedo University will live on forever.

It's just that (like Wendy in "Peter Pan") *we* aren't allowed to go
back there any more. We've outgrown it. ;-{

But ... as long as we keep the *memory* alive, we can always send our
children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren to the best
university for boys and girls ever imagined. For ... We can pass the
story on to THEM.

Think about it.
Do you dare?
Even if not as "students" themselves, many young men and women would
bust a gut for a chance to even imagine "teaching a class" at such a
bastion of truly Modern Education.

Wouldn't you think?
It's just up to *us* to keep the memory alive, long enough to pass it

Sorry: I'm maudlin now.
Here: Anybody ELSE want to use the soapbox?
I'm done with it for now.
Family Counseling Office
Pedo University
Usenet campus

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