Who Is This Guy????
(too old to reply)
"" <@>
2005-01-22 22:57:54 UTC
Hell Lensman,
This stupid fucking bitch does shit like this all the time. The only way
you'll be able to get her to stop posting copyrited stories is to throw
her slimy ass in the Greybar Hilton.
While I appreciate your enthusiasm and wanting to share my stories
with others...
The top section of my story is missing...
Copyright © 2004, Lensman. ALL Rights Reserved.
This story Has been written for Red Rose's story site. It may be
downloaded for private use, but may not be distributed for profit or
posted to newsgroups or other websites without the author's
And since you didn't ask me, you never had my permission to post, and
I do not appreciate people posting my stories in newsgroups or other
As long as this is not repeated, and no other stories of mine are
posted here or at any other newsgroup or website, I will say nothing
more. However, should it happen again I will be contacting my lawyers.
There is only one place where you can legally get my stories...
www.red-rose-stories.com and given the number of stories she has, and
the number of authors joining her, I think it well worth the small
subscription fee well worth the money to get them direct from the
source. There are also Free forums and Free live chat where you can
even chat with the authors, and others of like mind.
I have alerted Rose, who will take the action that she deems
Frank McCoy
2005-01-23 01:26:45 UTC
"Lensman" is the author of "Caught in the act" and several other
stories, right now archived only on Red-Rose's website.

He wanst to keep it that way.

"Ulther Pendragon" is a troll who dislikes "Uther Pendragon" an
author, writer, and keeper-of-the-FAQ for alt.sex.stories and

So, he mungs the name of Uther by adding an 'l' to it; hoping nobody
will notice the difference; then tries to raise trouble by starting
flame-wars in Uther's name.

Bottom line:
A. Ignore Ulther ... He isn't worth your time-of-day.
B. TRY to not post stories from authors on Red Rose's website, unless
they post permission to do so on their page there. It's
common-courtesy to the authors who reside there.
Post by "" <@>
Hell Lensman,
This stupid fucking bitch does shit like this all the time. The only way
you'll be able to get her to stop posting copyrited stories is to throw
her slimy ass in the Greybar Hilton.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Pee Wee Herman
2005-01-23 03:19:34 UTC
Thank You Frank

I Will Start Flaming Him Then.

Post by Frank McCoy
"Lensman" is the author of "Caught in the act" and several other
stories, right now archived only on Red-Rose's website.
He wanst to keep it that way.
"Ulther Pendragon" is a troll who dislikes "Uther Pendragon" an
author, writer, and keeper-of-the-FAQ for alt.sex.stories and
So, he mungs the name of Uther by adding an 'l' to it; hoping nobody
will notice the difference; then tries to raise trouble by starting
flame-wars in Uther's name.
A. Ignore Ulther ... He isn't worth your time-of-day.
B. TRY to not post stories from authors on Red Rose's website, unless
they post permission to do so on their page there. It's
common-courtesy to the authors who reside there.
Post by "" <@>
Hell Lensman,
This stupid fucking bitch does shit like this all the time. The only way
you'll be able to get her to stop posting copyrited stories is to throw
her slimy ass in the Greybar Hilton.
/ ' / T
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Frank McCoy
2005-01-23 03:52:28 UTC
Post by Pee Wee Herman
Thank You Frank
I Will Start Flaming Him Then.
Like I said: Not worth your bother.
Ignore Ulther and he'll go away.
If you flame back, that's what he enjoys.
Then he gets all sorts of people thinking Uther is some kind of nasty
guy ... and he's not. Stubborn and opinionated, yes. Nasty, no.
Lots of people just don't SEE that 'l'; and they know of Uther, not

Lensman though, had a legitimate gripe about his stories.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
"" <@>
2005-01-23 05:05:17 UTC
Thank You Frank
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Pee Wee Herman
Thank You Frank
I Will Start Flaming Him Then.
Like I said: Not worth your bother.
Ignore Ulther and he'll go away.
If you flame back, that's what he enjoys.
Then he gets all sorts of people thinking Uther is some kind of nasty
guy ... and he's not. Stubborn and opinionated, yes. Nasty, no.
Lots of people just don't SEE that 'l'; and they know of Uther, not
Lensman though, had a legitimate gripe about his stories.