Spotlight: Collage - A tour-de-farce (Mff,incest,cons,pre-teen,preg,humor)
(too old to reply)
Frank McCoy
2003-09-27 06:12:49 UTC
This group (and ass even more-so) needs a little more humor.

Celeste once accused me in one of my stories of hitting every cliche
about family-sex and young sex in the book. Well, actually I didn't
... in THAT story.

In this one, I did.
Every cliche, every dirty-joke, horrible puns, rotten innuendos,
almost every "Little Billy" joke in school, dirty words, and little
girls not-so-accidentally getting knocked-up, all mixed up in a
collage of stories just pasted together to make one big nasty.

For those of you that don't mind stories of little kids having a great
time having sex, mixed with a large helping of pregnancy, and an even
larger helping of really *BAD* jokes: Enjoy.

Going to be working next week; so might not get much else posted.
Darned "temp" work is a bitch. Never know when you'll be working and
when not.

Funny though: When I'm working, I have all sorts of ideas about good
stories to write ... even non-sex stories. But no time to write them
down. When I'm off ... the ideas fade, and I can't seem to sit down
and write the ideas I do have.

It must be my lazy mind.

Posted in the usual places.

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2003-09-27 18:00:09 UTC
On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 01:12:49 -0500 The Greatest Person On Usenet,
Frank McCoy, Spoke Unto The Best Group, saying....
Post by Frank McCoy
This group (and ass even more-so) needs a little more humor.
Celeste once accused me in one of my stories of hitting every cliche
about family-sex and young sex in the book. Well, actually I didn't
... in THAT story.
In this one, I did.
Every cliche, every dirty-joke, horrible puns, rotten innuendos,
almost every "Little Billy" joke in school, dirty words, and little
girls not-so-accidentally getting knocked-up, all mixed up in a
collage of stories just pasted together to make one big nasty.
For those of you that don't mind stories of little kids having a great
time having sex, mixed with a large helping of pregnancy, and an even
larger helping of really *BAD* jokes: Enjoy.
Going to be working next week; so might not get much else posted.
Darned "temp" work is a bitch. Never know when you'll be working and
when not.
Funny though: When I'm working, I have all sorts of ideas about good
stories to write ... even non-sex stories. But no time to write them
down. When I'm off ... the ideas fade, and I can't seem to sit down
and write the ideas I do have.
It must be my lazy mind.
Posted in the usual places.
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And I can relax and not worry about you when you have a job - even a
part time or temp job.

Wish I could be one of the boys in your story - except for taking
responsibility of any 'pg' female.<bg>

...lets keep it in the family...
2003-09-27 19:36:23 UTC
I read and enjoyed this "tour". I especially laughed at the Adam and Eve
part. :-)
Uncle Sky
Frank McCoy
2003-09-27 20:06:58 UTC
Post by U***@home.alone.invalid
I read and enjoyed this "tour". I especially laughed at the Adam and Eve
part. :-)
Which makes you wonder:
If that was her response, and with only two boys at that time ...
where did the rest of us come from?

I figure a person would have to read it at least three times to get
most of the gags in there. ;-}

/ ' / ™
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Phaedra Dragon
2003-10-04 04:26:30 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by U***@home.alone.invalid
I read and enjoyed this "tour". I especially laughed at the Adam and Eve
part. :-)
If that was her response, and with only two boys at that time ...
where did the rest of us come from?
I figure a person would have to read it at least three times to get
most of the gags in there. ;-}
I dont know where the rest of you "humans" came from, but I know where
us Dragons came from. Over across the big waters, in a land that time
never got to. A place called "Alfandra".
2003-10-15 04:42:48 UTC
My guts hurt for days... STOP IT!!! :-)))

Post by Frank McCoy
This group (and ass even more-so) needs a little more humor.

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Frank McCoy
2003-10-15 17:52:17 UTC
Post by Mort
My guts hurt for days... STOP IT!!! :-)))
Ahhhh ... *THAT* was the reaction I was looking for. ;-}
Post by Mort
Post by Frank McCoy
This group (and ass even more-so) needs a little more humor.
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