Another one ....
(too old to reply)
Frank McCoy
2007-05-31 03:39:54 UTC
"Being Sensible" now posted to all the usual places.

Not exactly a sensible story though.
Pure fanatical rant by a woman as thoroughly convinced that kids having
sex with their parents is something every kid *needs* as so-often
anti-sex fanatics rant and rave about how such sex *must* be bad for the
same kids.

In her mind sex, and especially sex between family members as young as
possible is not just *good* but *necessary* for the health, well-being,
and mental maturity of kids growing up ... Otherwise they'll grow up
sexually warped and likely to become the worst kid of perverts ...
perverts who will continue the cycle by neglecting their own kids'
proper sexual upbringing; and we all know that often the *worst* kind of
abuse can be neglect.

So ... What could be worse for a kid than sexual neglect?

Yeah, right.
About as "fair and balanced" a spiel on sex, sexuality, and the wonders
of kids having sexual intercourse (and yes, even getting pregnant) as a
Bill O'Reilly spiel about the wonders of our present administration.

Not exactly a good *story*.
Not bad as jack-off material though; as she rants on and on and on and
on and ... Well, you get the idea. Like all fanatics, she repeats
herself many times, seemingly without ever realizing she's doing so.
BORING as a story. It's about as much fun a *read* as any anti-sex
fanatic raving on and on about the evils of sex and how there simply
cannot be such a thing as a young girl giving consent.

Read my spotlight and comment over in assd for more such crap about it.
Or ... Read the story yourself, if that's the kind of crap you like.
/ ' / ™
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2007-06-03 04:36:52 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
"Being Sensible" now posted to all the usual places.
Not exactly a sensible story though.
Pure fanatical rant by a woman as thoroughly convinced that kids having
sex with their parents is something every kid *needs* as so-often
anti-sex fanatics rant and rave about how such sex *must* be bad for the
same kids.
In her mind sex, and especially sex between family members as young as
possible is not just *good* but *necessary* for the health, well-being,
and mental maturity of kids growing up ... Otherwise they'll grow up
sexually warped and likely to become the worst kid of perverts ...
perverts who will continue the cycle by neglecting their own kids'
proper sexual upbringing; and we all know that often the *worst* kind of
abuse can be neglect.
So ... What could be worse for a kid than sexual neglect?
Yeah, right.
About as "fair and balanced" a spiel on sex, sexuality, and the wonders
of kids having sexual intercourse (and yes, even getting pregnant) as a
Bill O'Reilly spiel about the wonders of our present administration.
Not exactly a good *story*.
Not bad as jack-off material though; as she rants on and on and on and
on and ... Well, you get the idea.  Like all fanatics, she repeats
herself many times, seemingly without ever realizing she's doing so.
BORING as a story.  It's about as much fun a *read* as any anti-sex
fanatic raving on and on about the evils of sex and how there simply
cannot be such a thing as a young girl giving consent.
Read my spotlight and comment over in assd for more such crap about it.
Or ... Read the story yourself, if that's the kind of crap you like.
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Frank, I loved the two new stories! I tried e-mailing you but your my
e-mail was rejected... what's the story there? I sure hope you have
many more like these two "in the hopper" for publication very soon.

Have you ever thought of turning over half-written stories to another
author and letting him/her finish them, just to see how they might
do? I would be interested in writing with you, if that was the case.

Frank McCoy
2007-06-03 04:54:19 UTC
Post by SubNoize
Frank, I loved the two new stories! I tried e-mailing you but your my
e-mail was rejected... what's the story there? I sure hope you have
many more like these two "in the hopper" for publication very soon.
My *guess* is there's some problem at your end.
Most likely your mail server is rejecting my address.
Just hitting "reply by email" to any of my posts *should* get back to

Just don't try sending a copy of the entire post. That might get
rejected several places along the line. Many mail recipients these days
will reject a 300K plus post as being spam, a virus, or illegal
Post by SubNoize
Have you ever thought of turning over half-written stories to another
author and letting him/her finish them, just to see how they might
do? I would be interested in writing with you, if that was the case.
I *do* collaborate with other authors; sometimes passing a particular
story back and forth until we're both satisfied; but not lately. Most
people just drop out before the story is complete.

So ... Try sending me an email reply to *this* message.
You don't need to send the whole message though.
/ ' / ™
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