Ow. Ow! OW! Enough already!
(too old to reply)
Frank McCoy
2004-06-23 02:21:39 UTC
Note cross-posting!

Well, after months of neglecting me, my muse has come back with a
vengeance! She's been clobbering me not only with new story-ideas,
but beating me with the mace of incentive to finish up old ones as

In the past three days I've not only written about three brand-new
stories, but managed to get to about four more that were in the hopper
and put the ends on them. I wish she would stop clobbering me with
that mace. Not one story put IN The Hopper, but four finished.

Well ... OK, written, not finished. For THAT, the hard yet easy part
remains. I only have to read, reread, and edit each one about six or
seven time, so each one is "decent" before posting. Any volunteers to

It seems the muse is intending to make me catch up on ALL of my
stories; and make me do something useful for a change, instead of just
reading and responding to newsgroups, like I've been doing for months.

Today I must have spent over ten hours actually WRITING for a change.
I finished up one of my longer short-stories (almost a novelette) in
one sitting ... and I'm TIRED!

Can't I have a little rest ... Please?
Damn. I don't have to make up for several month's idleness in one week
... Do I?

I'll never make it.
How do you stop an overzealous muse from clobbering you?
/ ' / ™
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2004-06-23 02:38:09 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Can't I have a little rest ... Please?
Damn. I don't have to make up for several month's idleness in one week
... Do I?
I'll never make it.
How do you stop an overzealous muse from clobbering you?

You don't turn down gifts from your Muse. Accept them and rejoice (and
send her my way when you're done).
Frank McCoy
2004-06-23 02:56:21 UTC
Post by artie
Post by Frank McCoy
Can't I have a little rest ... Please?
Damn. I don't have to make up for several month's idleness in one week
... Do I?
I'll never make it.
How do you stop an overzealous muse from clobbering you?
You don't turn down gifts from your Muse. Accept them and rejoice (and
send her my way when you're done).
/ ' / ™
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The TheatrElf
2004-06-23 03:45:02 UTC
Frank McCoy
Post by Frank McCoy
Can't I have a little rest ... Please?
Damn. I don't have to make up for several month's idleness
in one week ... Do I?
I'll never make it.
How do you stop an overzealous muse from clobbering you?
You don't turn down gifts from your Muse. Accept them and
rejoice (and send her my way when you're done).
For a while, Stephen King referred to inspiration as "my muse
shit on my head again."

Richard Bach wrote of an "idea kicks in the door, throws over
a table and grabs me by the neck and tells me it was time to
write it down, or else."
:-( Xjahn
:-) The TheatrElf


Military intelligence is a contradiction in terms. (Groucho
Frank McCoy
2004-06-23 04:07:22 UTC
Post by The TheatrElf
Frank McCoy
Post by Frank McCoy
Can't I have a little rest ... Please?
Damn. I don't have to make up for several month's idleness
in one week ... Do I?
I'll never make it.
How do you stop an overzealous muse from clobbering you?
You don't turn down gifts from your Muse. Accept them and
rejoice (and send her my way when you're done).
For a while, Stephen King referred to inspiration as "my muse
shit on my head again."
Richard Bach wrote of an "idea kicks in the door, throws over
a table and grabs me by the neck and tells me it was time to
write it down, or else."
Yeah ... That sounds about right ....
/ ' / ™
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Pee Wee Herman
2004-06-23 05:51:47 UTC
Frank Yes Yes Yes Please Return To Your Weightings

I Miss Your New Stories!!!

Love Nikki
Post by Frank McCoy
Note cross-posting!
Well, after months of neglecting me, my muse has come back with a
vengeance! She's been clobbering me not only with new story-ideas,
but beating me with the mace of incentive to finish up old ones as
In the past three days I've not only written about three brand-new
stories, but managed to get to about four more that were in the hopper
and put the ends on them. I wish she would stop clobbering me with
that mace. Not one story put IN The Hopper, but four finished.
Well ... OK, written, not finished. For THAT, the hard yet easy part
remains. I only have to read, reread, and edit each one about six or
seven time, so each one is "decent" before posting. Any volunteers to
It seems the muse is intending to make me catch up on ALL of my
stories; and make me do something useful for a change, instead of just
reading and responding to newsgroups, like I've been doing for months.
Today I must have spent over ten hours actually WRITING for a change.
I finished up one of my longer short-stories (almost a novelette) in
one sitting ... and I'm TIRED!
Can't I have a little rest ... Please?
Damn. I don't have to make up for several month's idleness in one week
... Do I?
I'll never make it.
How do you stop an overzealous muse from clobbering you?
/ ' / T
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Frank McCoy
2004-06-24 01:08:54 UTC
Post by Pee Wee Herman
Frank Yes Yes Yes Please Return To Your Weightings
I Miss Your New Stories!!!
Uh ... Is that a slight hint that maybe I should *post* a few of the
finished ones? ;-}
/ ' / ™
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Uncle Sky
2004-06-23 09:37:59 UTC
Post by Frank McCoy
Note cross-posting!
Well, after months of neglecting me, my muse has come back with a
vengeance! She's been clobbering me not only with new story-ideas,
but beating me with the mace of incentive to finish up old ones as
In the past three days I've not only written about three brand-new
stories, but managed to get to about four more that were in the hopper
and put the ends on them. I wish she would stop clobbering me with
that mace. Not one story put IN The Hopper, but four finished.
Well ... OK, written, not finished. For THAT, the hard yet easy part
remains. I only have to read, reread, and edit each one about six or
seven time, so each one is "decent" before posting. Any volunteers to
It seems the muse is intending to make me catch up on ALL of my
stories; and make me do something useful for a change, instead of just
reading and responding to newsgroups, like I've been doing for months.
Today I must have spent over ten hours actually WRITING for a change.
I finished up one of my longer short-stories (almost a novelette) in
one sitting ... and I'm TIRED!
Can't I have a little rest ... Please?
Damn. I don't have to make up for several month's idleness in one week
... Do I?
I'll never make it.
How do you stop an overzealous muse from clobbering you?
I don't know the answers to your questions but I will say this.

Three cheers for your muse. I look forward to some new stories from you
after a long dry spell.
Uncle Sky
2004-06-26 07:03:39 UTC
On 23 Jun 2004 09:37:59 GMT, Uncle Sky<***@home.alone.invalid>
and just had to say the following...
Post by Uncle Sky
Post by Frank McCoy
Note cross-posting!
Well, after months of neglecting me, my muse has come back with a
vengeance! She's been clobbering me not only with new story-ideas,
but beating me with the mace of incentive to finish up old ones as
In the past three days I've not only written about three brand-new
stories, but managed to get to about four more that were in the hopper
and put the ends on them. I wish she would stop clobbering me with
that mace. Not one story put IN The Hopper, but four finished.
Well ... OK, written, not finished. For THAT, the hard yet easy part
remains. I only have to read, reread, and edit each one about six or
seven time, so each one is "decent" before posting. Any volunteers to
It seems the muse is intending to make me catch up on ALL of my
stories; and make me do something useful for a change, instead of just
reading and responding to newsgroups, like I've been doing for months.
Today I must have spent over ten hours actually WRITING for a change.
I finished up one of my longer short-stories (almost a novelette) in
one sitting ... and I'm TIRED!
Can't I have a little rest ... Please?
Damn. I don't have to make up for several month's idleness in one week
... Do I?
I'll never make it.
How do you stop an overzealous muse from clobbering you?
I don't know the answers to your questions but I will say this.
Three cheers for your muse. I look forward to some new stories from you
after a long dry spell.
Don't let him fool you, he loves the attention.<s>
A dunce for all seasons.
Founder & President, *Dunce of the Month Club*
Coordinator, *Yaks for the Yakless, International*
Voted *Usenets Most Trusted Person In History*, 1956 - 2005.
Declared *The Hardest Working Dunce In All Of Usenet*, 1963 - 2005.
Quote: "I have never met a dunce I've liked!"

The preceding post was scanned for signs of
intelligence by DMC®'s *Smarts Scanner*, with the following results:
© Copyright All rights reserved. The information contained in this post may not be published,
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Frank McCoy
2004-06-26 17:31:51 UTC
Post by Fastman®
and just had to say the following...
Post by Uncle Sky
Post by Frank McCoy
Note cross-posting!
Well, after months of neglecting me, my muse has come back with a
vengeance! She's been clobbering me not only with new story-ideas,
but beating me with the mace of incentive to finish up old ones as
In the past three days I've not only written about three brand-new
stories, but managed to get to about four more that were in the hopper
and put the ends on them. I wish she would stop clobbering me with
that mace. Not one story put IN The Hopper, but four finished.
Well ... OK, written, not finished. For THAT, the hard yet easy part
remains. I only have to read, reread, and edit each one about six or
seven time, so each one is "decent" before posting. Any volunteers to
It seems the muse is intending to make me catch up on ALL of my
stories; and make me do something useful for a change, instead of just
reading and responding to newsgroups, like I've been doing for months.
Today I must have spent over ten hours actually WRITING for a change.
I finished up one of my longer short-stories (almost a novelette) in
one sitting ... and I'm TIRED!
Can't I have a little rest ... Please?
Damn. I don't have to make up for several month's idleness in one week
... Do I?
I'll never make it.
How do you stop an overzealous muse from clobbering you?
I don't know the answers to your questions but I will say this.
Three cheers for your muse. I look forward to some new stories from you
after a long dry spell.
Don't let him fool you, he loves the attention.<s>
Oh, that I do.
At least the muse has stopped beating me up.
But she's still sticking around to make sure I finish up those six
stories. I am, too.

Now, if I ever can get around to posting them, once they're all
cleaned up ....
/ ' / ™
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Cheo D
2004-07-02 02:57:03 UTC
"Frank McCoy" <***@millcomm.com> wrote in message news:***@4ax.com...
Post by Frank McCoy
At least the muse has stopped beating me up.
But she's still sticking around to make sure I finish up those six
stories. I am, too.
Now, if I ever can get around to posting them, once they're all
cleaned up ....
...we'll all get a treat! Good to hear there's more of the stories on the
way, Frank. Looking forward to 'em.
Frank McCoy
2004-07-02 14:30:09 UTC
Post by Cheo D
Post by Frank McCoy
At least the muse has stopped beating me up.
But she's still sticking around to make sure I finish up those six
stories. I am, too.
Now, if I ever can get around to posting them, once they're all
cleaned up ....
...we'll all get a treat! Good to hear there's more of the stories on the
way, Frank. Looking forward to 'em.
Well, they're now on the third round of editing.
/ ' / ™
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