(too old to reply)
2004-05-02 14:42:06 UTC
Can the person below be STOPPED from posting your stories in mclt?
I just feel that your name does not need to be spread across certain
If people want your stories, thay can go to the story group and read for
IMHO, reposting your stories in a binary group is a dis-service to you.

(sorry about top posting. I hate people who do it, but felt it was better
to do so this time)


From: "One Sick Puppy" <***@Mars.com>
Sender: "One Sick Puppy" <***@>
Reply-To: "One Sick Puppy" <***@Mars.com>
Subject: Now kids by Frank McCoy
Newsgroups: alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.mclt
Message-ID: <408d9eaa$***@galaxy.uncensored-news.com>
Lines: 608
X-Comment: NOTICE: Uncensored-News.Com does not condone, nor support,
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Date: 26 Apr 2004 23:43:39 GMT
Organization: Uncensored-News.Com $6.95 Uncensored Newsgroups.
Frank McCoy
2004-05-02 21:02:44 UTC
Post by Daytek
Can the person below be STOPPED from posting your stories in mclt?
I just feel that your name does not need to be spread across certain
If people want your stories, thay can go to the story group and read for
IMHO, reposting your stories in a binary group is a dis-service to you.
I could ask her to.
Hopefully, she reads this group, so I won't have to.
If I don't see a response here in a couple of days, I'll post a
request. I don't mind my stories being posted anywhere; but binaries
groups aren't really the place for text, unless they're requested or
(like the old homestead) text is a main part of the group.

Since she's posted in here several times, perhaps she'll get the

No, I can't *stop* her. Most of the stories she posts of "mine" are
in the Public Domain. However, a polite *request* sometimes does
wonders. She's trying to provide a service; sometimes it needs to be
explained that not all places are proper for some kinds of service.
(You don't offer free blow-jobs in the vestibule of the church.)

/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
2004-05-02 22:57:37 UTC

You Can Consider It Done.

No more stories in binary groups.

I Promise Nikki
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Daytek
Can the person below be STOPPED from posting your stories in mclt?
I just feel that your name does not need to be spread across certain
If people want your stories, thay can go to the story group and read for
IMHO, reposting your stories in a binary group is a dis-service to you.
I could ask her to.
Hopefully, she reads this group, so I won't have to.
If I don't see a response here in a couple of days, I'll post a
request. I don't mind my stories being posted anywhere; but binaries
groups aren't really the place for text, unless they're requested or
(like the old homestead) text is a main part of the group.
Since she's posted in here several times, perhaps she'll get the
No, I can't *stop* her. Most of the stories she posts of "mine" are
in the Public Domain. However, a polite *request* sometimes does
wonders. She's trying to provide a service; sometimes it needs to be
explained that not all places are proper for some kinds of service.
(You don't offer free blow-jobs in the vestibule of the church.)
Frank McCoy
2004-05-03 01:23:07 UTC
Post by Nikki
You Can Consider It Done.
No more stories in binary groups.
I Promise Nikki
I'm sure those people in the binary groups will thank you also.
For sure there ARE plenty of text-only groups that like stories.

Oh, there is at least ONE group that likes ANY kind of sex-story:

alt.binaries.stories.sex Likes any combination of stories or
binaries. If it's a story, with binary attached or not, they'll
welcome it ... I think. A definitely catholic group, for those
stories that just don't fit elsewhere.

Just the place to post .doc or .rtf files, stories with pictures
embedded, stories composed of pictures or cartoons, word-perfect
files, or ANY formatted sex-story.

But they (usually) welcome any story at all, as long as it's
sex-related. Too few of the stories from alt.sex.stories make it all
the way over there.

If you SORT stories (like you presently do the incest ones into the
two incest groups), then there are special groups for gay, straight,
lesbian, inter-generational (Older/Younger), babies, bondage, cuckold,
and far more, where people hang out just *drooling* for more stories
of their particular type.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
2004-05-03 02:28:13 UTC
Thank You Again Frasnk.

You Are The Only Person Who Has Tried To Educate N= Me On My Post
Insted Of Just Complaning About Them.

Your Friend All ways Nikki :-)
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Nikki
You Can Consider It Done.
No more stories in binary groups.
I Promise Nikki
I'm sure those people in the binary groups will thank you also.
For sure there ARE plenty of text-only groups that like stories.
alt.binaries.stories.sex Likes any combination of stories or
binaries. If it's a story, with binary attached or not, they'll
welcome it ... I think. A definitely catholic group, for those
stories that just don't fit elsewhere.
Just the place to post .doc or .rtf files, stories with pictures
embedded, stories composed of pictures or cartoons, word-perfect
files, or ANY formatted sex-story.
But they (usually) welcome any story at all, as long as it's
sex-related. Too few of the stories from alt.sex.stories make it all
the way over there.
If you SORT stories (like you presently do the incest ones into the
two incest groups), then there are special groups for gay, straight,
lesbian, inter-generational (Older/Younger), babies, bondage, cuckold,
and far more, where people hang out just *drooling* for more stories
of their particular type.
2004-05-03 02:50:14 UTC
Post by Nikki
Thank You Again Frasnk.
You Are The Only Person Who Has Tried To Educate N= Me On My Post
Insted Of Just Complaning About Them.
Your Friend All ways Nikki :-)
Post by Nikki
You Can Consider It Done.
No more stories in binary groups.
I Promise Nikki
Hello Nikki.
I thought it might be you since you and Frank had been talking about your
posting his stories here and there.
But it was better to complain to Frank about his text being posted in
binary places.
I am amazed the regs and lurkers over there had not dumped on you for
doing text, but one cannot complain against Frank's excellent incest

Keep the faith!
Brother/Sister incest is best!

2004-05-04 01:45:10 UTC
On 2 May 2004 21:50:14 -0500, Daytek <***@This.News.Group> wrote:
and just had to say the following...
Post by Daytek
Post by Nikki
Thank You Again Frasnk.
You Are The Only Person Who Has Tried To Educate N= Me On My Post
Insted Of Just Complaning About Them.
Your Friend All ways Nikki :-)
Post by Nikki
You Can Consider It Done.
No more stories in binary groups.
I Promise Nikki
Hello Nikki.
I thought it might be you since you and Frank had been talking about your
posting his stories here and there.
But it was better to complain to Frank about his text being posted in
binary places.
I am amazed the regs and lurkers over there had not dumped on you for
doing text, but one cannot complain against Frank's excellent incest
Keep the faith!
Brother/Sister incest is best!
Ever ask your self the question why nobody complained, except you, and
not even in that group, eh fuckwad?
You really are a condom crumb.
A dunce for all seasons.
Founder & President, *Dunce of the Month Club*
Coordinator, *Yaks for the Yakless, International*
Voted *Usenets Most Trusted Person In History*, 1956 - 2005.
Declared *The Hardest Working Dunce In All Of Usenet*, 1963 - 2005.
Quote: "I have never met a dunce I've liked!"

The preceding post was scanned for signs of
intelligence by DMC®'s *Smarts Scanner*, with the following results:
© Copyright All rights reserved. The information contained in this post may not be published,
broadcast or otherwise distributed without the prior written
authority of the DMC®. Small fee will be charged, of course.
2004-05-03 02:56:08 UTC
In the year of Bush politics, 02 May 2004, Frank McCoy
Post by Frank McCoy
alt.binaries.stories.sex Likes any combination of stories or
binaries. If it's a story, with binary attached or not, they'll
welcome it ... I think. A definitely catholic group, for those
stories that just don't fit elsewhere.
Just the place to post .doc or .rtf files, stories with pictures
embedded, stories composed of pictures or cartoons, word-perfect
files, or ANY formatted sex-story.
Just NOT safe to attach politicly correct pics to sex stories these days
(Big Sigh!). Now back in the good old days.....(sigh).

I go there once a while now, don't think I ever noticed .doc or .rtf
files. But I look only for text.
Bet I have missed some good stuff. (moan)

Frank McCoy
2004-05-03 03:41:06 UTC
Post by Daytek
In the year of Bush politics, 02 May 2004, Frank McCoy
Post by Frank McCoy
alt.binaries.stories.sex Likes any combination of stories or
binaries. If it's a story, with binary attached or not, they'll
welcome it ... I think. A definitely catholic group, for those
stories that just don't fit elsewhere.
Just the place to post .doc or .rtf files, stories with pictures
embedded, stories composed of pictures or cartoons, word-perfect
files, or ANY formatted sex-story.
Just NOT safe to attach politicly correct pics to sex stories these days
(Big Sigh!). Now back in the good old days.....(sigh).
Was that politically correct, or politically INcorrect?
Post by Daytek
I go there once a while now, don't think I ever noticed .doc or .rtf
files. But I look only for text.
Bet I have missed some good stuff. (moan)
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
2004-05-03 18:44:09 UTC
In the year of Bush politics, 02 May 2004, Frank McCoy
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Daytek
In the year of Bush politics, 02 May 2004, Frank McCoy
Post by Frank McCoy
alt.binaries.stories.sex Likes any combination of stories or
binaries. If it's a story, with binary attached or not, they'll
welcome it ... I think. A definitely catholic group, for those
stories that just don't fit elsewhere.
Just the place to post .doc or .rtf files, stories with pictures
embedded, stories composed of pictures or cartoons, word-perfect
files, or ANY formatted sex-story.
Just NOT safe to attach politicly correct pics to sex stories these days
(Big Sigh!). Now back in the good old days.....(sigh).
Was that politically correct, or politically INcorrect?
Wow! Some jerk wrote "politicly" for "politically". Good that you caught
his spelling error.
A good incest story would be "more better" if the "proper on-subject
pics" could be attached. But lea and pedo-hunters would think otherwise.
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Daytek
I go there once a while now, don't think I ever noticed .doc or .rtf
files. But I look only for text.
Bet I have missed some good stuff. (moan)
Tim Merrigan
2004-05-03 05:58:58 UTC
Post by Nikki
You Can Consider It Done.
No more stories in binary groups.
I Promise Nikki
Thanks. I'm sure those people in the binary groups will thank you
also. For sure there ARE plenty of text-only groups that like
alt.binaries.stories.sex Likes any combination of stories or
binaries. If it's a story, with binary attached or not, they'll
welcome it ... I think. A definitely catholic group, for those
stories that just don't fit elsewhere.
Just the place to post .doc or .rtf files, stories with pictures
embedded, stories composed of pictures or cartoons, word-perfect
files, or ANY formatted sex-story.
But they (usually) welcome any story at all, as long as it's
sex-related. Too few of the stories from alt.sex.stories make it all
the way over there.
If you SORT stories (like you presently do the incest ones into the
two incest groups), then there are special groups for gay, straight,
lesbian, inter-generational (Older/Younger), babies, bondage,
cuckold, and far more, where people hang out just *drooling* for more
stories of their particular type.
In many of those specialty groups (e.g. ass.pedo, and ass.babies, both
of which I check occasionally) anyone actually in the groups really are
waiting desperately for stories, because almost none ever get posted
there, just spam.
I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America,
and to the republic which it established, one nation from many peoples,
promising liberty and justice for all.

Tim Merrigan
e-mail: ***@comcast.net
URL: http://home.comcast.net/~tppm/home.htm
AIM: tppm1
YM: Tim_Merrigan

Science Fiction fans please try APA-***@yahoogroups.com --
This is a general interest Science Fiction fan list - not an "adult" list.

Fans or writers of anime lemons might try
***@Yahoogroups.com --
This *IS* an adult list and requires an age listing of 18 or over in
your profile to join.

Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
2004-05-03 18:46:14 UTC
In the year of Bush politics, 03 May 2004, Tim Merrigan
Post by Tim Merrigan
Post by Nikki
You Can Consider It Done.
No more stories in binary groups.
I Promise Nikki
Thanks. I'm sure those people in the binary groups will thank you
also. For sure there ARE plenty of text-only groups that like
alt.binaries.stories.sex Likes any combination of stories or
binaries. If it's a story, with binary attached or not, they'll
welcome it ... I think. A definitely catholic group, for those
stories that just don't fit elsewhere.
Just the place to post .doc or .rtf files, stories with pictures
embedded, stories composed of pictures or cartoons, word-perfect
files, or ANY formatted sex-story.
But they (usually) welcome any story at all, as long as it's
sex-related. Too few of the stories from alt.sex.stories make it all
the way over there.
If you SORT stories (like you presently do the incest ones into the
two incest groups), then there are special groups for gay, straight,
lesbian, inter-generational (Older/Younger), babies, bondage,
cuckold, and far more, where people hang out just *drooling* for more
stories of their particular type.
In many of those specialty groups (e.g. ass.pedo, and ass.babies, both
of which I check occasionally) anyone actually in the groups really are
waiting desperately for stories, because almost none ever get posted
there, just spam.
hehe! You realize how that looks when first reading your reply, moreso if
one didn't know about the 'ass' groups. (baby ass / pedo ass)<g>

2004-05-04 02:07:09 UTC
On 3 May 2004 13:46:14 -0500, Daytek <***@This.News.Group> wrote:
and just had to say the following...
Post by Daytek
In the year of Bush politics, 03 May 2004, Tim Merrigan
Post by Tim Merrigan
Post by Nikki
You Can Consider It Done.
No more stories in binary groups.
I Promise Nikki
Thanks. I'm sure those people in the binary groups will thank you
also. For sure there ARE plenty of text-only groups that like
alt.binaries.stories.sex Likes any combination of stories or
binaries. If it's a story, with binary attached or not, they'll
welcome it ... I think. A definitely catholic group, for those
stories that just don't fit elsewhere.
Just the place to post .doc or .rtf files, stories with pictures
embedded, stories composed of pictures or cartoons, word-perfect
files, or ANY formatted sex-story.
But they (usually) welcome any story at all, as long as it's
sex-related. Too few of the stories from alt.sex.stories make it all
the way over there.
If you SORT stories (like you presently do the incest ones into the
two incest groups), then there are special groups for gay, straight,
lesbian, inter-generational (Older/Younger), babies, bondage,
cuckold, and far more, where people hang out just *drooling* for more
stories of their particular type.
In many of those specialty groups (e.g. ass.pedo, and ass.babies, both
of which I check occasionally) anyone actually in the groups really are
waiting desperately for stories, because almost none ever get posted
there, just spam.
hehe! You realize how that looks when first reading your reply, moreso if
one didn't know about the 'ass' groups. (baby ass / pedo ass)<g>
Condom crumb.
Now what, twat?
A dunce for all seasons.
Founder & President, *Dunce of the Month Club*
Coordinator, *Yaks for the Yakless, International*
Voted *Usenets Most Trusted Person In History*, 1956 - 2005.
Declared *The Hardest Working Dunce In All Of Usenet*, 1963 - 2005.
Quote: "I have never met a dunce I've liked!"

The preceding post was scanned for signs of
intelligence by DMC®'s *Smarts Scanner*, with the following results:
© Copyright All rights reserved. The information contained in this post may not be published,
broadcast or otherwise distributed without the prior written
authority of the DMC®. Small fee will be charged, of course.
2004-05-04 02:04:10 UTC
On Sun, 02 May 2004 15:57:37 -0700, Nikki <***@INHELL.COM>
and just had to say the following...
Post by Nikki
You Can Consider It Done.
No more stories in binary groups.
I Promise Nikki
Look tootsie, and pay close attention:
Your *sick puppy* posts didn't raise any eyebrows in the groups.
Nobody complained, did they?
No, they didn't, except for the little daytech cunt, and he didn't
have the balls to complain in those groups, but, instead, in his "I
wanna be a trend setter too" fashion, ran straight to Frank.

You see, honey, daytech, AKA, Sandra-the troll, has never had an
original thought, in his poor sad little life.
Oh sure, the little bitch will sometimes grow, all of a sudden,
testicles, and say something like, "Oh yeah? Well, fuck you too!",
but that's about the extent of his arsenal.

My suggestion is to pay him no mind.

You want to repost Frank's stories, go right ahead and post them!
Be sure and credit him as the author, and tell people that you are
posting his work w/o permission.
If, and when, people ask you to stop, then by all means, stop.
Until then, fart in day tech's stoopid little face.

Hey daytech, I hope to hell I said something that you don't like, you
Post by Nikki
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Daytek
Can the person below be STOPPED from posting your stories in mclt?
I just feel that your name does not need to be spread across certain
If people want your stories, thay can go to the story group and read for
IMHO, reposting your stories in a binary group is a dis-service to you.
I could ask her to.
Hopefully, she reads this group, so I won't have to.
If I don't see a response here in a couple of days, I'll post a
request. I don't mind my stories being posted anywhere; but binaries
groups aren't really the place for text, unless they're requested or
(like the old homestead) text is a main part of the group.
Since she's posted in here several times, perhaps she'll get the
No, I can't *stop* her. Most of the stories she posts of "mine" are
in the Public Domain. However, a polite *request* sometimes does
wonders. She's trying to provide a service; sometimes it needs to be
explained that not all places are proper for some kinds of service.
(You don't offer free blow-jobs in the vestibule of the church.)
A dunce for all seasons.
Founder & President, *Dunce of the Month Club*
Coordinator, *Yaks for the Yakless, International*
Voted *Usenets Most Trusted Person In History*, 1956 - 2005.
Declared *The Hardest Working Dunce In All Of Usenet*, 1963 - 2005.
Quote: "I have never met a dunce I've liked!"

The preceding post was scanned for signs of
intelligence by DMC®'s *Smarts Scanner*, with the following results:
© Copyright All rights reserved. The information contained in this post may not be published,
broadcast or otherwise distributed without the prior written
authority of the DMC®. Small fee will be charged, of course.
Frank McCoy
2004-05-04 03:35:00 UTC
Post by Fastman®
and just had to say the following...
Post by Nikki
You Can Consider It Done.
No more stories in binary groups.
I Promise Nikki
Your *sick puppy* posts didn't raise any eyebrows in the groups.
Nobody complained, did they?
No, they didn't, except for the little daytech cunt, and he didn't
have the balls to complain in those groups, but, instead, in his "I
wanna be a trend setter too" fashion, ran straight to Frank.
You see, honey, daytech, AKA, Sandra-the troll, has never had an
original thought, in his poor sad little life.
Oh sure, the little bitch will sometimes grow, all of a sudden,
testicles, and say something like, "Oh yeah? Well, fuck you too!",
but that's about the extent of his arsenal.
My suggestion is to pay him no mind.
You want to repost Frank's stories, go right ahead and post them!
Be sure and credit him as the author, and tell people that you are
posting his work w/o permission.
Um ... That's *with* permission.
Post by Fastman®
If, and when, people ask you to stop, then by all means, stop.
Until then, fart in day tech's stoopid little face.
Hey daytech, I hope to hell I said something that you don't like, you
Post by Nikki
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Daytek
Can the person below be STOPPED from posting your stories in mclt?
I just feel that your name does not need to be spread across certain
If people want your stories, thay can go to the story group and read for
IMHO, reposting your stories in a binary group is a dis-service to you.
I could ask her to.
Hopefully, she reads this group, so I won't have to.
If I don't see a response here in a couple of days, I'll post a
request. I don't mind my stories being posted anywhere; but binaries
groups aren't really the place for text, unless they're requested or
(like the old homestead) text is a main part of the group.
Since she's posted in here several times, perhaps she'll get the
No, I can't *stop* her. Most of the stories she posts of "mine" are
in the Public Domain. However, a polite *request* sometimes does
wonders. She's trying to provide a service; sometimes it needs to be
explained that not all places are proper for some kinds of service.
(You don't offer free blow-jobs in the vestibule of the church.)
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
2004-05-04 15:25:08 UTC
On Mon, 03 May 2004 22:35:00 -0500, Frank McCoy <***@millcomm.com>
and just had to say the following...
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Fastman®
and just had to say the following...
Post by Nikki
You Can Consider It Done.
No more stories in binary groups.
I Promise Nikki
Your *sick puppy* posts didn't raise any eyebrows in the groups.
Nobody complained, did they?
No, they didn't, except for the little daytech cunt, and he didn't
have the balls to complain in those groups, but, instead, in his "I
wanna be a trend setter too" fashion, ran straight to Frank.
You see, honey, daytech, AKA, Sandra-the troll, has never had an
original thought, in his poor sad little life.
Oh sure, the little bitch will sometimes grow, all of a sudden,
testicles, and say something like, "Oh yeah? Well, fuck you too!",
but that's about the extent of his arsenal.
My suggestion is to pay him no mind.
You want to repost Frank's stories, go right ahead and post them!
Be sure and credit him as the author, and tell people that you are
posting his work w/o permission.
Um ... That's *with* permission.
In general, yes. I guess you *are* giving her permission?
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Fastman®
If, and when, people ask you to stop, then by all means, stop.
Until then, fart in day tech's stoopid little face.
Hey daytech, I hope to hell I said something that you don't like, you
Post by Nikki
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Daytek
Can the person below be STOPPED from posting your stories in mclt?
I just feel that your name does not need to be spread across certain
If people want your stories, thay can go to the story group and read for
IMHO, reposting your stories in a binary group is a dis-service to you.
I could ask her to.
Hopefully, she reads this group, so I won't have to.
If I don't see a response here in a couple of days, I'll post a
request. I don't mind my stories being posted anywhere; but binaries
groups aren't really the place for text, unless they're requested or
(like the old homestead) text is a main part of the group.
Since she's posted in here several times, perhaps she'll get the
No, I can't *stop* her. Most of the stories she posts of "mine" are
in the Public Domain. However, a polite *request* sometimes does
wonders. She's trying to provide a service; sometimes it needs to be
explained that not all places are proper for some kinds of service.
(You don't offer free blow-jobs in the vestibule of the church.)
A dunce for all seasons.
Founder & President, *Dunce of the Month Club*
Coordinator, *Yaks for the Yakless, International*
Voted *Usenets Most Trusted Person In History*, 1956 - 2005.
Declared *The Hardest Working Dunce In All Of Usenet*, 1963 - 2005.
Quote: "I have never met a dunce I've liked!"

The preceding post was scanned for signs of
intelligence by DMC®'s *Smarts Scanner*, with the following results:
© Copyright All rights reserved. The information contained in this post may not be published,
broadcast or otherwise distributed without the prior written
authority of the DMC®. Small fee will be charged, of course.
Frank McCoy
2004-05-04 15:59:50 UTC
Post by Fastman®
and just had to say the following...
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Fastman®
You want to repost Frank's stories, go right ahead and post them!
Be sure and credit him as the author, and tell people that you are
posting his work w/o permission.
Um ... That's *with* permission.
In general, yes. I guess you *are* giving her permission?
Am, was, did, and have-been.
In specific as well as in general.
She asked previously; I told her the rules.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
2004-05-05 14:57:15 UTC
On Tue, 04 May 2004 10:59:50 -0500, Frank McCoy <***@millcomm.com>
and just had to say the following...
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Fastman®
and just had to say the following...
Post by Frank McCoy
Post by Fastman®
You want to repost Frank's stories, go right ahead and post them!
Be sure and credit him as the author, and tell people that you are
posting his work w/o permission.
Um ... That's *with* permission.
In general, yes. I guess you *are* giving her permission?
Am, was, did, and have-been.
In specific as well as in general.
She asked previously; I told her the rules.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is that.
A dunce for all seasons.
Founder & President, *Dunce of the Month Club*
Coordinator, *Yaks for the Yakless, International*
Voted *Usenets Most Trusted Person In History*, 1956 - 2005.
Declared *The Hardest Working Dunce In All Of Usenet*, 1963 - 2005.
Quote: "I have never met a dunce I've liked!"

The preceding post was scanned for signs of
intelligence by DMC®'s *Smarts Scanner*, with the following results:
© Copyright All rights reserved. The information contained in this post may not be published,
broadcast or otherwise distributed without the prior written
authority of the DMC®. Small fee will be charged, of course.