world of warcraft
(too old to reply)
2007-05-26 06:38:28 UTC
Does anyone else hear love to play world of warcraft as much as I do?
I'm addicted..hehe.?
This game is absolutely amazing =)
I'm a level 70 Blood Elf Warlock on the Norgannon server. I just got
my flying mount and am

now trying to max out my gear! So YES! I believe I do love to play it
as much as you do.

Keep up the good work. FOR THE HORDE! world of warcraft gold
Yes, I was addicted, until my 60-day card ran out, and I'm too lazy to
go and buy one. It

cured me! I'm no longer addicted! But I still would love to play if I
could... world of warcraft gold

I was addicted for almost 2 years, I played since december of when the
game was released and

stopped just last year. The game is fun when you have cool people to
play with but once I

started college I had no time to play. I have more fun when im not
playing wow rather than

when I did anyways. It is unhealthy to sit at your desktop/laptop and
play online games all

day and night anyways! world of warcraft gold
2007-06-21 02:16:26 UTC
I've searched these titles to no avail. (It's not the futuristic game)

The game starts you off in an Office block, where I'm sure you can end
up getting fired.

I don't remember much else, except that I always ended up getting ran
over on the roads outside my office.

When you got hit, you would end up in hospital, with a huge cartoon
mural above your bed.

I remember that a picture of Dumbo (disney elephant) was on this

Other locations I remember was a park with either an archway, or
bandstand in it, and there was maybe a car park below the office.

I think it was set in America, as the roads were something like "Xth
East street", or "Xth Main street". (Maybe)

If anyone can help confirm the name and maybe the name of a pack with
this on, it would be great.
